Frightened (Oberyn Martell x daughter!reader)

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You had a small smile on your face as you made your way back to the palace. "There you are, Y/N! We have training," Obara barked at you. You looked up at her and saw the smile on her face as well. You couldn't deny that you were the favorite among your sisters. You had the beauty of a lady and the kindness and charm of your father Oberyn. All of your sisters adored you and your energetic personality. You were always ready for just about anything. Just about.

What you weren't ready for was your heart betraying you. You hadn't expected to have your first love affair already but that was the way of the Dornish. You were part of a passionate people. Love was won and lost often. But you were young yet. Still, you couldn't deny the way your heart pounded when you around your newly found lover.

You had tried to hide it at first since you weren't sure how your family would react. Now it seemed everyone knew. Everyone except your father. And you weren't ready to tell him yet. Your father was an adoring man and very protective of you and your sisters. You were frightened about what he would say if he learned that you had your first lover. You didn't think your sisters would blab.

After training, you got yourself cleaned up and ready to relax for the rest of your day. Your axe sat in the corner of your room, polished to a shine and ready for more training the next day. You sighed happily as your mind began to wander to your lover. You wondered if they felt the same for you as you did for them.

Your thoughts were interrupted by a knock at your door. You bid the person come in and you were surprised when your father walked in. He didn't look pleased. "Is there something you want to tell me, Y/N?" You looked up into his dark eyes in confusion. "What do you mean, Papa?" He stepped fully into the room and crossed his arms over his chest. "You wouldn't lie to your Papa, would you?" The longer he spoke, the more playful his countenance became. It had always been your game to answer one another with questions. "Who are they?" he asked suddenly.

Then you understood. Someone had told him about your lover. That was the only explanation. "Who told you?" you whispered, feeling like a little girl again. Oberyn could see the distress in your posture and he smiled. He came over and sat next to you on your bed. "Y/N, it's alright. I'm not angry." You sniffled a little. "You aren't?" His smile widened. "Of course not! How could I be angry with my daughter who has found her first love? I'm just curious as to why you didn't tell me?"

You shrugged. "I know how protective you are. I wasn't certain how you would react." Oberyn wrapped an arm around your shoulder and gave you a squeeze. "Of course I am protective. I know you can protect yourself, but you are my child and it's my job to take care of you." He kissed your temple and stood. He turned and offered you a hand. "Now, grab your axe and come with me. I want to hear all about this young man or woman while we spar." With a grin, you got up and followed your father outside.

While you sparred, you talked. These were your favorite times with your father. Just the two of you sparring together and sharing conversations. You had your best conversations with Oberyn during these times. Unlike a lot of fathers that you heard about, Oberyn was attentive and actually cared about what his daughters were going through. He had been there for every milestone in your life, even the more embarrassing ones. He took everything in stride and helped as best he could.

"So, you feel deeply for this person?" You nodded at his question as you wiped the sweat off your brow. "Do they feel the same for you?" You gave a shrug. "I'm not sure. I hope so. It would break my heart if they didn't." Oberyn chuckled softly. "And are you happy?" You told him in no uncertain terms that you were. "Then you have my blessing, my daughter. And my joy."

You turned fully toward him and hugged him tightly. "Thank you, Papa." He returned your hug. You found yourself extremely grateful that you had such an understanding and loving father. "Now, I think it's time for a little lunch. Just us. Unless you want to invite your sisters?" You grinned. "I'd like that." Oberyn slid an arm around your shoulder and escorted you back inside the palace. "My daughter in love. You've made my heart happy."    

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