Dany's Servant (Khal Drogo x fem!reader)

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Drogo kept his expression stern as he rode up to the palace steps. He never thought he would even consider marrying outside the Dothraki, but here he was, about to look at a Westerosi princess. His dark, nearly black eyes saw the woman with almost white hair first, but what his gaze landed on next was what caught his attention more. Behind the princess, stood another woman, even more beautiful to his eyes. You were standing just behind Daenerys, your eyes downcast as was expected of your station.

You wanted to look up. You'd heard the Dothraki were a sight to behold and you wanted nothing more than to see it, but you knew what would happen if you dared to look up. Viserys was standing right next to you and if he saw you raise your gaze, you would be punished. it had happened before.

The guttural language of Dothraki filled your ears and you heard someone translating. "Khal Drogo wants you to look at him." You didn't move until you felt Viserys grab your arm. "Now," he hissed in your ear. You whipped your head up and glared at the offending man before realizing that it was you Drogo wanted to see. Slowly, you turned to look at the tanned rider atop his dark brown horse.

Drogo stared at you for a few seconds, not saying a word, before he turned his horse around and left the palace. "W-Why is he leaving? Is he displeased?" Viserys asked, tightening his grip on your arm. You dared not utter a syllable of complaint and you didn't need to this time. Daenerys did it for you and he let you go. "Believe me, Your Grace, if he was displeased, you'd know it."

You followed behind Daenerys back up the steps. At the top, you paused to cast a glance over your shoulder. There was only one question on your mind: Why had Khal Drogo taken an interest in you? You would soon find out.

The next day, Viserys came flying into Daenerys' room while you were brushing her long silvery hair. "What did you do?!" he screamed, causing you and Daenerys to flinch. Daenerys shot up and began to question her brother about what he meant. "Not you, dear sister. Your whore maid." Your head shot up and your brows furrowed in confusion.

"I beg your pardon, Your Grace?" Viserys came over to you and grabbed the back of your neck. His face was so close, he could have kissed you. "What did you do? Cast some sort of spell over Khal Drogo?" You tried to shake your head, but his grip tightened. "Let her go, Viserys and tell me what's happened."

"Drogo doesn't want you, Dany! That's what happened. He wants her!" He threw you down to the ground. You barely had time to catch yourself before your face hit the floor. Only then did it register what he'd said. "Y-Your Grace, I swear I did nothing. I had never seen the khal before yesterday. Please don't hurt me." Viserys raised his hand to hit you, but Daenerys stopped him.

"Viserys, don't. She hasn't done anything wrong. This could still work. If we let Khal Drogo marry Y/N, he could still give you his army." Viserys' gaze flickered between you and his sister and considered her words. "Of course. You're right. Thank you, Dany," he said a little more calmly, then he turned to you and snapped, "Get up and make yourself presentable." You nodded silently and did as you were told.

Later that day, you found yourself on the steps of the palace yet again, your knees knocking together. Drogo rode up again only this time he was alone except for Jorah, the man who was translating. His khalasar was camped a few miles outside the gates so there was no danger to him.

As soon as his horse stopped, Drogo began speaking. "The khal wishes to know if you accept his proposal, my lady." You frowned slightly. "I'm no lady, ser. But yes, I-I accept the khal's proposal." Jorah translated your words to the khal, but the only indication Drogo gave that he was pleased was a slight smirk. He spoke again. "He says, good. We shall marry before dusk tomorrow." With that, the two men rode away.

Tomorrow. Never had the word seemed more ominous. Tomorrow was the day you would be losing your place with Daenerys and becoming the wife of the leader of a savage race. The very thought made your blood run cold. That is, until you gave it some more consideration. As Khal Drogo's wife, you would no longer be a servant. You would be Khaleesi. No longer would you be under Viserys' watchful eye. You wouldn't have to fear his wrath anymore. You would have a sense of freedom you currently lacked. Maybe it wouldn't be so bad after all.

The next day, as you prepared yourself for your wedding, Daenerys came in. "Are you alright, Y/N?" You nodded. "Of course, Princess. I am honored by Khal Drogo's interest in me and will be the best wife to him I can be." Daenerys frowned slightly. "It is alright to admit that you're afraid," she whispered and you shook your head.

"I am not afraid. I was at first, but, for some reason, I don't believe the khal will hurt me." A knock on the door prevented Daenerys from replying. "Aren't you ready yet? We cannot keep Drogo waiting." Your lips dropped into a frown as Viserys turned away. "And it gets me away from your brother." Daenerys laughed lowly and lead you from the room.

The ceremony itself was uneventful, but the celebration afterwards was a sight to behold. The Dothraki truly lived up to their savage reputation. There were fights, blood, death, and other unmentionable acts. Drogo seemed pleased as he watched and gifts were brought to you. But you really couldn't tell based on his expression.

Drogo was pleased. He didn't let it show, but he was very pleased. He had you by his side. Every once in a while he would glance at you from the corner of his eye. Your (e/c) eyes were riveted on the sight in front of you and sometimes a breeze would come and gently blow your (h/c) locks around your face. You looked so out of place and yet, so at ease among the Dothraki.

Suddenly, you turned your head and looked at him. Drogo got up and offered you a hand. It was time for his wedding present to you and he hoped you liked it. Then, it was time to begin your wedding night under the stars. You took his hand and he loved the warmth of it. He couldn't name it, but there was something about you that captivated him.

After Drogo gave you your present, a beautiful horse, you rode off with him to the spot where you would spend your first night together as husband and wife. Once there, there was a change in you. Drogo could suddenly sense your nervousness. You weren't putting up any protest, but your body was shaking and you refused to meet his gaze. You seemed unsure about yourself.

Now normally, Drogo would not put your feelings first. That wasn't the Dothraki way, but with you, something tugged at his heart strings. He thought all women, especially khaleesi should feel beautiful in their own skin. It was clear that your years of servitude did nothing to help in that area. Something Drogo wanted to change.

He reached over and lifted your chin up so he could meet your eyes. He said something in Dothraki. Your brows drew together and Drogo could tell you were confused. He wracked his brain for the right word in the Common Tongue.

"B-Beautiful." He felt the heat hit your chin and you smiled softly. You told him something in Common Tongue that he didn't understand, but he assumed you were grateful for his words. You were still shaking, but the nerves seemed to ease off a bit and were replaced by tension of a different kind at him being so close to you. You could practically smell his masculinity.

Drogo took you that night and the next morning, you woke to find yourself resting on his bare chest. Drogo was already awake, but had waited for you, knowing better than to leave you alone your first morning with the Dothraki. Until you showed them who was in charge, the other riders would try to take advantage of you if Drogo wasn't with you.

As you rode across the Great Grass Sea, Drogo kept stealing glances at you. He could see the pain in your face, but you never uttered on syllable of complaint. Viserys complained more than you did. Drogo could see you were a strong woman. You would do well with the Dothraki. You would be great Khaleesi. Drogo could sense it. You would be the greatest Khaleesi the khalasar had everhad and that thought made Drogo smile. 

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