I Did it to Protect You (Jaime Lannister x fem!Tyrell reader)

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(slight AU)

For all his life, Jaime had one person there for him. Cersei. That was how it had always been. Jaime and Cersei. Cersei and Jaime. Never one without the other. Then he met you. You had come to King's Landing with your family. You were charming and sweet, not typically the kind of person who lived long in King's Landing. But Jaime had been able to see right away that you knew how to play the game. But he had never been more surprised when his father told him that he had been betrothed to you. What he did know was that Cersei wasn't going to take kindly to that. Not. At. All

"You are unhappy with this arrangement," you said simply as you sat with Jaime in the gardens. You were having tea with your septa sitting off to the side. Jaime looked at you in surprise. He thought he had been hiding his emotions fairly well. "I am not...unhappy. It simply came as a surprise. I didn't expect my father to force the king to release me from my vows and for us to be married in a fortnight." You finally met his gaze. "Then you are not upset that you are to marry me? "

Jaime shook his head. "No. You are a marvelous young lady. I am honored to be marrying you." He was shocked that he actually felt that way. Normally, he would simply say what he thought others wanted to hear, but in this case, he meant every word. You had somehow managed to wiggle your way into his heart. Into the place he thought only Cersei could occupy. "I truthfully am glad you feel that way. I don't think I could handle being married to a man who doesn't like me at least a little bit." Jaime chuckled merrily.

*time skip*

You were pacing in your chambers. Jaime was finally arriving at Casterly Rock. Shortly after you'd married, Jaime sent you away. You were beyond angry. After all the time you spent together leading up to the wedding, you thought Jaime shared your feelings. Apparently not since he sent you away so soon. Clearly he had been using you. At least that's how it appeared to you.

There was a knock on your chamber door. A Lannister knight opened the door. "My lady, Lord Lannister will be arriving in moments." You bowed your head a little, trying to maintain the image of the perfect lady wife. "Thank you. I shall be down in a moment." The knight bowed and left. You smoothed down the skirt of your dress and followed after him. You knew Jaime would expect you to greet him and you would do so.

As soon as you saw him, you almost forgot why you were angry with your husband. Almost. He dismounted his horse and smiled at you. You returned it stiffly and let him kiss your cheek. He recoiled immediately. It was as if he could sense your coldness toward him. He turned and address the rest of the people gathered around. "I would speak to Lady Lannister alone." The servants and knights scattered like leaves in the wind.

"Something is troubling you," he said. "Not here, lord husband. It would not do for us to fight where everyone could hear us." You turned on your heel and returned inside the castle. Jaime was right at your heels as he followed you to your chambers.

"Why would we fight, Y/N?" he asked once he closed the door behind him. You spun around to face him. "Why? Perhaps because we were married for only two moons before you sent me away with no explanation. I have not seen you for most of our marriage. I thought, perhaps, you felt the same for me as I did for you, but clearly I was mistaken. You much prefer the company of your sister."

Jaime's eyes widened. You had never thrown it in his face that you knew about his relationship with Cersei. "Y/N, I swear to you that I have not been with Cersei that way since I found out about our betrothal. She is the reason I sent you away, but not in the way you think. I did it to protect you." You snorted. "Right. Because if something happens to me, my family would no longer swear fealty to House Lannister."

Jaime crossed the room in two large strides and gently grabbed your arms. It felt strange to have the golden hand on your arm. "NO! I-I sent you away to protect you from Cersei. You weren't safe in King's Landing. Not where she could get to you. You are safe here." You stared at him for a second. "Are you saying that Cersei would have tried to kill me?" Jaime nodded. "Yes! She already did. It was why I sent you away. She'd hired someone to try and kill you. I was informed just time to save you, but I knew Cersei would keep trying."

"But why would you care if not for my family's support?" Jaime let go of your arms and grabbed both your hands in his flesh one. "Because I love you, Y/N. I'll admit that I fought it for a long time. After all, no one had ever shown me real love or compassion until you. But I accepted it that day in the garden when you asked me if I was unhappy. I realized I wasn't. I fell in love with you seeing how beautiful you were on the inside and how you acted with Myrcella and Tommen. It made me excited to have children with you."

You flushed and didn't reply. Jaime loved you. He really loved you. He had sent you away to protect you. Not because he didn't want you. When you continued not to say anything, just staring into Jaime's green eyes, he laughed quietly. "Normally, when your husband confesses his love to you, you don't stand there with your mouth open." You snapped your mouth closed and giggled. "I love you too, Jaime Lannister. I apologize for letting my anger get in the way."

"You have fire, Y/N. That is nothing to apologize for. It will serve you well," he told you and you smiled at him. He returned it and let go of your hands. "Now," he started before scooping you up in his arms bridal style, "If you are no longer angry with me and have no objections, I would love to show my wife just how much I missed her." 

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