Seer (Modern!fem reader)

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"How did you know?" Lady Catelyn asked you as you sat with her by Bran's bedside. You felt your tongue sticking to the roof of your mouth. You didn't know how to answer that question. "How did you know my son would fall from that tower?" You glanced back at Bran with a sad smile. "I...can't say." Catelyn grabbed your shoulder and gently forced you to face her.

"Are you some kind of witch? A seer? How could you have known?" You wanted to breathe a sigh of relief. Without realizing it, Catelyn had given you an out. "Y-Yes. That's right. I'm a seer. I know what has happened and what will happen." Her gaze hardened. "Then why did you not tell me? Why didn't you try to stop it?" You frowned. What a mess you'd gotten yourself into.

You never expected to end up in Westeros in the first place. After all, it was a place of fiction! But here you were. You had been taking a walk, book in hand, when you ended up in the Godswood in Winterfell where Ned Stark was sitting and sharpening his sword. You almost cried when you saw him, knowing what his fate was. The problem was that you knew what was going to happen to just about everyone and it was hard to keep it a secret. You knew you had to though or you could have changed the entire history of Westeros.

"I can't go around changing things, Lady Stark. If I change one thing, it could affect the entire course of the world. Bran's fall happened for a reason, one that I can't divulge." With that, you got up to leave. You stopped short when you saw Cersei Lannister in the doorway. You curtsied a little and greeted her. Thank goodness for the fact that you had read the entire A Song of Ice and Fire series or you would have been beheaded long before now.

"Did I hear you right just now? Are you a seer?" Cersei asked and a flash of fear went through you. If she thought you knew how Bran fell from the tower, she would have you executed on the spot. Then again, there may have been a way for you to use it to your advantage. "Yes, Your Grace. I don't see everything, but I see enough."

Cersei smiled that sickly sweet smile that sent shivers through you. "Perhaps you would do me the honor of walking with me? I could use conversation with someone like you." Knowing you had no choice, you nodded.

From that one conversation with Cersei, you had impressed her enough for her to insist that you travel to King's Landing with them. You didn't want to, but it was the only way to keep yourself alive. If you refused, there were several ways you could end up dead and you were determined not to let that happen. So, you agreed not knowing that by going, you would alter history anyway.

*time skip*

King's Landing had been rough on you. It nearly killed you to let Ned Stark be executed and Sansa be married off to Tyrion, although the youngest Lannister was probably the best match for her in all of King's Landing.

Then of course, there was the fact that you were working for Cersei and you dared not lie to her. You were careful not to reveal too much as you didn't want her trying to change the inevitable, but you still told the truth when she asked. It kept you alive and well. It also gave you power you never expected. People looked to you for advice. They respected you and some even feared you. You were on the Small Council when Joffrey became king at Cersei's urging. What you never thought would happen was that someone unexpected would become infatuated with you.

You wandered into your chambers rubbing your tired eyes. It had been a long day and you were ready for bed. You opened your eyes and blinked, jumping when you saw someone sitting in light of the setting sun coming from your window. "Such interesting information," the stranger said in voice that made your blood run cold.

"Lord Baelish," you began after calming your pounding heart, "What are you doing in here?" Petyr stood and walked over to you. "I merely came to check on your welfare, Lady Y/N. You seem so tired. Clearly, you weren't here, but I found something much more interesting." It was then that you saw the book in Petyr's hand. The one you had been reading when you wound up in Westeros.

"Seems you aren't what you claim to be." You crossed your arms over your chest. "Neither are you. I can play this game too, Lord Baelish." Petyr laughed lightly. "I know. I must admit when I first found this 'source' of your power, I was tempted to run straight to Cersei. Then I realized, you are just like the rest of us. Lying to keep yourself alive. And you are one of the best. You have everyone believing your story."

You didn't reply. You wanted to keep him talking and maybe he would tell you what he planned to do now. If he told Cersei, you surely would die. "Don't look so frightened. I won't reveal what I've learned. I find it intriguing how a stranger to our land knows how to play the game better than most." He took a step closer until he was right in front of you, his face hovering mere inches from yours. "I find you intriguing. You know everything that's going to happen because of these books and yet, you do nothing to stop them. You keep yourself safe that way. It is...enchanting."

Your blood was racing. This wasn't supposed to happen. Petyr had loved Catelyn and then he was supposed to move on to Sansa. Not you! If you didn't fix this, an essential plot would change forever! "Lord Baelish, I am flattered, but I think you should leave. You are to marry Lady Arryn."

"I am not. I have already spoken to the king. He has agreed to release me from my promise to Lady Arryn so that I may be free to marry another. One who has done what I thought no one would." You couldn't breathe. This was bad. Very, very bad. Petyr couldn't marry you. You were barely listening as he continued, "You have freed me from the hold Catelyn Stark had over me. My mind is clear as day. I need you by my side, Y/N. I need you when I finally take the Iron Throne."

"I can't and I won't. It would change too much. You are supposed to marry Lysa Arryn." Petyr smirked that devious smirk of his. The one he wore when he knew he was winning. You tried to reason with him. "It's already written, Lord Baelish. It's what's supposed to happen." Petyr reached up and cupped your jaw. "We write our own fate, Y/N. We can change it at will as the world around us changes."

He continued on talking about it and all the while, your thoughts were becoming more and more clouded. His pretty words and reassurances buzzed around your skull like bees. It was becoming too much for you. "NO!" you cried, pushing yourself away from him. Petyr stared at you for a moment. He was watching your defenses breaking down. "Y/N, don't fight it. Together, you and I could become the most powerful people in the world. Choose your own fate, Y/N. Protect yourself and don't concern yourself with the rest of the world until it is you and I in that throne room."

You closed your eyes and tried to calm yourself. There was a part of you that knew he was right. But you also didn't want to change too much. If Joffrey had already betrothed you to Petyr, then it was too late unless you ran away. However if you ran, you knew Petyr would tell Cersei your secret and Cersei would hunt you down and have you executed.

You opened your eyes and found his green-grey ones still regarding you with a curious expression. His hand was on your jaw again and his face was even closer than before. "It is a pretty picture," you admitted softly and Petyr smiled, though it didn't reach his eyes. "Will you agree then?" Your tongue darted out to lick your lips as you contemplated what to do. His eyes bore into your soul while he waited for your answer. What were you going to do?

"Give me time to consider," you whispered. Petyr backed away and nodded. "Of course. I will need your answer by tomorrow. I sail from King's Landing tomorrow night." You let him know that you understood and he left. As you readied for bed, your mind wandered all over the place. You tried to figure out what you would do and it kept you awake all night.

Petyr waited for you all night and most of the day the next day. There was no word from you and, by the time the sun was setting, Petyr was certain you'd decided to stay in King's Landing. He was angry and, if he were being honest, slightly hurt by your rejection. Why did this happen to him?

As the sun dipped below the horizon, Petyr ambled onto his ship. "Never mind her," he thought to himself. He made his way to his cabin with his head held high. He wasn't going to let another woman beat him down the way Catelyn had. He opened the door and stopped short. In the seat, with legs propped up on the desk, was you.

You smirked at his reaction and said, "Took you long enough." You stood up and walked over to him. You pulled him slightly into the room, enough to close the door behind him. Petyr stared at you in disbelief. He hadn't actually expected you to join him. You brought him out of his staring by placing a hand on his cheek. When he still didn't say anything, you rolled your eyes and pressed your lips to his. You only pulled away after he kissed back. With a sparkle of mischief in your eyes, you asked, "So, where to now?"    

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