Party (Jorah Mormont x fem!Targaryen reader)

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"Jorah," Daenerys said quietly. Jorah was at her side in an instant. "Khaleesi?" Daenerys' eyes scanned the room warily. "I want you by my sister's side at all times while we are here. Understood?" Jorah nodded once and quickly made his way over to you. It wasn't that you couldn't take care of yourself, but you were sometimes too kind for your own good and people could take advantage.

At Xaro Xhoan Daxos' party, there were people everywhere. People Jorah and Daenerys didn't trust. "Princess," Jorah greeted the moment he stepped up next to you. You gave him a bright smile, happy to be near someone you knew. "Ser Jorah." You leaned up to whisper in his ear, "Thank you. I was starting to get uncomfortable." Jorah chuckled, as if you said something funny in order to keep your hosts from suspecting anything. "Of course, Princess."

"Jorah, how many times must I tell you to call me Y/N?" you quipped. Jorah smiled. You were always so playful, despite traveling with the Dothraki. At Daenerys' urging, Khal Drogo had ordered the Dothraki not to touch you, an order Daenerys kept in place when the khal died. Even so, with the constant traveling, one would think you'd lose your spark. Your light. You never did. That's what drew Jorah to you, although he kept it well hidden.

"I could not. Your sister is my Khaleesi and you are my princess." You laughed lightly. "Very well, Ser." One of the many men in the room came over and asked you for a dance. Jorah's eyes narrowed and he placed a hand on your shoulder. He was going to protect you from these people. While he didn't know any of them personally, his gut twisted every time he was around them. Jorah almost always trusted his instincts. "My apologies, but the princess has already promised me the next dance."

Without waiting for a response from the young man, Jorah took your hand in his and lead you away. "What was that about? He seemed nice enough." Jorah rolled his eyes at your innocence and started to dance with you. You flushed. You'd never been that close to him before even though you wanted to be. "People are not always as they seem, Princess. You should know this from living with your brother." You frowned at the mention of your now deceased brother. Jorah was right. Viserys could put on a friendly face, but lurking behind it, was nothing more than a dangerous snake. "Forgive me. That was uncalled for," Jorah apologized as he swayed with you. You shook your head. "It's alright. I know you are only trying to protect me."

When the dance finished, you moved to walk away, but Jorah wasn't far behind. "Are you going to follow me all evening, Ser?" Jorah laughed again. "If I must. I told your sister that I would keep an eye on you tonight. She seems very concerned for your safety." You shrugged. "She should be more concerned with her own. She is the one with power and the one others wish to kill."

"You know more than people think, Princess." You snorted out a laugh. "I am not stupid, Jorah. I know how the world works. Just like I know that my sister wouldn't send you to protect me if she didn't know something she isn't telling." You glanced at him when he stepped up beside you. "And what is it that you think she isn't telling you?"

"It could be one of two things. The first is that she expects something to happen tonight that would jeopardized my safety," you stated as Jorah lead you outside the crowded manor of Xaro Xhoan Daxos. "And the second?" You stopped walking and turned to him. "The second is that she knows the secret I've been hiding since she first married Khal Drogo."

"And what is that?" he asked, reaching out to push a strand of hair behind your ear. He thought better of it and lowered his hand again. You opened your mouth to answer, but were quickly interrupted by Daenerys. "Jorah, Y/N, come with me please." Your brows drew together, but you wasted no time in following after your sister. "What is it, Dany?" you asked softly, ignoring Jorah's eyes on you. You knew he wouldn't be satisfied with leaving his question unanswered for long. "Xaro Xhoan Daxos has asked me to marry him in exchange for half his fortune for ships to sail to Westeros."

"Don't do it," you and Jorah said at the same time, making Daenerys smile. "With his help, we could sail to Westeros and I can claim the throne." Jorah shook his head. "I do not trust him, Khaleesi." You nodded in agreement. It took some time, but you finally managed to convince your sister. When she returned inside to give Xaro the news, Jorah turned back to you.

"You were saying, Princess?" You gave a little shrug. "Never mind. It is not important." Jorah quirked a brow, but he didn't question it and you breathed a sigh of relief. You hoped he'd leave it alone for now. It was no time to admit feelings, not when your sister was so set on taking the Iron Throne and needing Jorah's assistance. For now, it was enough for you to have him as your protector. Ċ<

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