Don't Marry Him (Euron Greyjoy x fem!reader)

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(one semi-sexual reference at the end)

Now that his first purpose of returning to the Iron Islands was fulfilled, Euron needed to find someone. You. The two of you had been promised to one another before Euron had been exiled. At this point, Euron couldn't sail to King's Landing until the new ships were built so he needed some kind of distraction. What better one than to track down his first love? He never could have prepared himself for what he found.

He wandered to your father's house. "King Euron!" your father greeted with a squeak. Euron smirked at him before asking, "Is she here?" Your father bit his lip in worry. "S-She is, but Your isn't a good time to see her." Euron arched a brow. Wasn't a good time? Since when wasn't it a good time to see the woman he was once betrothed to? And since when wasn't your father happy to see him? Someone was hiding something and Euron was going to find out what.

"Where is she?" Your father opened his mouth to try and reason with Euron, but two other voices caught Euron's attention. "You look stunning, Y/N. Tomorrow is going to be the best day of your life." Pushing passed your father, Euron followed the voices to where you and your sister were. He didn't knock before he pushed the door open and froze.

You were standing there before the full glass in what was obvious a very special dress. A dress for a wedding ceremony. You and your sister jumped and turned to face the intruder. Your eyes widened. Even after so many years, you recognized the man you had once had feelings for. "Y-Your Grace." Your sister curtsied, but you were frozen in place.

"I need to speak to Y/N alone." Euron didn't take his eyes off you as your sister scurried from the room as quickly as she could. She slammed the door closed behind her. You suddenly felt self-conscious in your wedding gown. "What are you doing here?" you finally asked in a soft voice. "I could ask you the same. A wedding ceremony? Without your intended?" You licked your lips.

" You? You've been gone for years, Euron! Did you truly expect my father to wait for your return to marry me off?" You weren't sure why you were being so defensive right then. It wasn't like you loved the man you were marrying. In truth, you hated him. He was disgusting in your eyes. But you weren't going to just let Euron come back and try to weasel his way back into your life. Not after he got himself banished for years, leaving you alone.

"I expected you to fight, Y/N. Like you've always done. It was why we worked together." You scoffed and rolled your eyes. You turned back to the mirror. Euron didn't miss the frown that pulled at your lips as you looked at yourself. "You're right. I did fight. I fought against this with every fiber of my being, Euron. But eventually I realized you weren't coming back and I lost the will to fight. What was the point? No one could fight with me as passionately as they loved me. No one except you."

"Don't marry him then." You snorted and shook your head. "Do I look like I'm joking, Y/N?" You faced him again. "I can't just break my betrothal the day before my wedding, Euron. It isn't done." Euron stepped closer and grabbed your arm. "I don't care what it is done. I am king now and I'm telling you not to marry him. You were betrothed to me first. I've returned. Marry me like we planned. Be queen at my side."

You started to shake your head, but Euron stopped you. "Do you want to marry him?" You didn't answer. Of course you didn't want to marry him, but you still refused to give into Euron's insistence. You wanted to see just how far he would go, just like you used to. Apparently it wouldn't take long. His time away hadn't done anything for patience, at least not when it came to you.

"I know you don't, Y/N. And I'm done sitting here waiting for you to make up your mind. Get that ridiculous dress off and pack you things. You're coming with me." You let out a huff. "I beg your pardon? Who do you think you are, ordering me around?" His grip on your arm tightened slightly. Not enough to hurt you, but enough to show that he wasn't going to give you up easily.

It didn't last long though. He pulled you closer to him until you were pressed together. You could smell the salt from the sea on him and it was almost comforting. Before you could speak again, Euron pressed his lips against yours fervently. It was just as fierce and passionate as you remembered.

Euron didn't remove his lips from yours until he couldn't breathe anymore. Between pants, he whispered, "You are coming with me, Y/N. I am not letting you go so easily." You met his gaze and nearly shivered from the intensity you saw there. "And what of my betrothed?" Euron chuckled. "If he tries to stop you, I will kill him myself." You knew he would. Euron was capable of anything.

"Now, are you coming with me walking, or do I have to throw you over my shoulder?" You actually laughed at that. The vision of Euron carrying you from your father's house over his shoulder was too much. Euron's face split into a smile, something only you got to see. "Now, take that dress off and put on something a little less ladylike. I need my bride to be the woman I know her to be." You smirked. "I could...or you could take it off for me." Euron practically growled as he proceeded to do what you suggested.

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