Terrible Timing (Tormund Giantsbane x fem!reader)

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Your father always said you'd had terrible timing. You had come into the world in the middle of feast and since then, your timing had been awful. Now, as you ran your hand over your ever expanding belly, you realized just how right he was. Getting pregnant as a war was about to start wasn't exactly the greatest plan. You were worried, although not as worried as the child's father.

For a wildling, a man who was supposed to be tough as nails, Tormund certainly worried a lot about you and the baby you were carrying. And now that you were in Winterfell, it was even worse. "Tormund, will you please calm down," you snapped, your hormones making you extremely irritable. "What if the White Walkers get ta ya and I can't protect ya?"

"That won't happen. I know you will protect us with everything you have," you stated, giving his shoulder a squeeze. "I trust you, Tormund. I trust you will do what's best for your child." Tormund grabbed your face in his hands and kissed you deeply, desperately almost. You wondered what had gotten into him.

When you parted, Tormund sighed heavily. "Snow is sendin' me ta Eastwatch by the Sea." Your eyes widened. "What? No...not now. He can't." Tormund nodded. "He is." You crossed your arms over your chest. "I'll kill him," you muttered and Tormund laughed. "Still as feisty as ever. I'll come back ta ya. And we've got a little while left before I leave." You smiled. He was such an optimistic person most of the time, but you could see the fear in his eyes. "Tormund, we'll be alright. I promise."

You and Tormund were practically attached at the hip for the next several days. As those days went on, you could see the worry starting to eat away at your wildling lover. He couldn't stand the thought of being away from you and the baby when it was born. The morning he was set to leave was probably the hardest moment of his life, not that he'd admit it out loud.

You stood there with him, hands on your belly. "Come back to us, Tormund," you whispered, making him turn to you. "I will try. Ya know I can't promise ya." You nodded sadly. "I know. But I'm frightened for you." Tormund chuckle. "Ya don't need ta be. Ya need ta focus on that little thing growing in yer belly." You smiled and wrapped your arms around him. "Please be safe. I love you." Tormund gave you a little squeeze and replied that he would try and that he loved you too.

You pulled back suddenly, gripping your stomach. "Now?" you asked in disbelief. Tormund's eyes widened. "What? The babe?" You nodded frantically. Without replying, Tormund scooped you up and carried you back inside. He carried you to your chambers and laid you down on the bed. He sat down next you and stroked your hair. "Ssh, I'm not goin' anywhere," he cooed.

"What about Eastwatch?" you asked, trying to breathe through the pain you were feeling. "Eastwatch be damned. I'm not leavin' ya alone while yer havin' my babe." You smiled. "This babe has it's mother's terrible timing," you said. Tormund laughed and kissed you. "From where I sit, it's pretty good timin'. Keeps me from leavin'. Jon Snow can send someone else." You gripped his hand tightly in yours as another contraction hit.

It took hours. You'd heard stories of hard labor, but never this long. However, when you held your baby boy in your arms, that didn't matter anymore. You had your son and Tormund wasn't leaving. Not for a while anyway. The ginger boy in your arms began flailing his tiny fists and you giggled. He instantly started to suckle and you sighed happily. Guess it wasn't such terrible timing after all.    

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