At the Feast (Jon Snow x fem!reader)

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(Set pre-season 1)

Your eyes scanned the Great Room for any sign of Jon. True, he wasn't allowed to sit up with the rest of the Stark family during feasts, but he could still always be found. He usually sat with you or Theon, since you were both Ned Stark's wards. Except, apparently, for now. You turned to Theon and let him know that you'd be back. Theon just waved you off, turning his attention back to the beauty next to him. You rolled your eyes and went to find Jon.

You searched all Jon's usual places, but couldn't find him. Then, you went outside and there he was. "Jon," you breathed out, catching his attention. He turned to you and gave you a sad smile. You felt your heart clench for your closest friend. He brooded a lot, but this was different somehow. "Are you alright?" you asked as you took a step closer to him and placed a hand on his shoulder.

He shrugged it off and shook his head. "Just go back and enjoy the feast, Y/N." You narrowed your eyes while crossing your arms over your chest. "Not until you tell me what's wrong with you." You knew you were being stubborn, but you didn't care. You weren't going to leave Jon in one of his moods. Finally, he let his dark eyes meet yours.

"I don't belong here," he whispered. You cocked your head to the side. "What do you mean? Of course you do! You're Ned Stark's son." Jon jutted out his chin in defiance. "But still a bastard. A bastard has no place here." You let out a snort. "You have more place here than I do, Jon. At least you have grown up in Winterfell. This is your home. I'm simply Lord Stark's ward. I'm a long way from home. Besides, you have friends and family here."

"And what honor do I bring to that family? None. Lady Stark hates me so, even if he wanted to, Father could never make me his legitimate child. I was born a bastard and I will always be a bastard. It would make no difference to anyone here if I were to run away." You let your arms fall to your sides as tears welled up.

"That's not true, Jon! Everyone here would miss you terribly. Arya, Sansa, Robb, the little ones would all miss you. I would miss you. Doesn't that count for anything? I need you in my life, Jon, more than you could possibly know." Your fists were balled at your sides and you were shaking. Jon had never seen you that upset before.

Without thinking, you reached out and pulled Jon to you. You held him tightly and fought back your tears. "This is where you belong, Jon. With me." Jon stood there stiffly at first but soon melted into your touch. He wrapped his arms around you and buried his face in your hair. You had never spoken so passionately to him before and Jon apparently realized that it was a night for bravery.

He muttered something into your hair, making you pull back slightly. "What was that?" Jon pushed a strand of hair behind your ear. "I-I love you, Y/N. I've always loved you. And you're right. This, whatever it is between us, does count for something. I cannot provide you with much, well anything really, but I can promise that I will never stop loving you." You quickly pressed your lips against his. "Come on."

"Where are we going?" You shushed him and pulled behind you. You walked quickly and quietly back into the castle and to your chambers. Jon's face turned a bright shade of red, making you laugh. "Jon, relax. We aren't doing...that. I, that is, I just want you to hold me. Is that so bad?" Jon smiled and shook his head. "No." You pulled off your boots and climbed into your bed. Jon followed suit. As soon as he was in the bed, you cuddled up next to him, the newly formed fire warming you both after the chilly air outside. Jon wrapped a shaky arm around you and you rested your head on his chest. You could hear Jon's heart pounding rapidly.

"Jon, do I make you nervous?" He shook his head. "No. It's just that everything is going to change between us now." You picked your head up to look at him. "Does that bother you?" Another shake of his head, his dark curls hitting him in the face. "I want it to change." You smiled. "Good," you whispered before leaning down to kiss him.

His hands instantly tangled themselves into your hair as he kept you in place. Jon may have been a lot of things, but passionate was never a word you associated with him until now. When he deepened the kiss, it took your breath away. You were nearly gasping for air when you pulled away. Your heart was now beating a mile a minute. Jon put his hand over your heart and smirked. "Do I make you nervous?" he asked. "Shut up," you replied before grabbing a pillow and hitting him with it. Jon actually laughed. "I love you, Y/N." You gave him a smile. "I love you too, Jon."    

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