The Only One For Me (Sandor Clegane x fem!reader)

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(I lost this request a year ago and I feel absolutely terrible!!)

"How did he get those scars?" Sansa asked, her eyes lingering on Sandor. Petyr leaned close to her and whispered, "They were a gift. From his brother Gregor. They say Gregor held his face over the flame, cooking his face like a slab of pork." Sansa sucked in a breath. "That's awful." Petyr hummed a little before replying, "Yes I suppose, yet it doesn't seem to affect everyone the same way. Some might even say the Hound is a loveable man." When Sansa looked confused, Petyr gestured over to you. "Who is that?" Petyr smirked. "That is Lady Y/N. The Hound's wife."

It was true. You were Sandor's wife and had been for years. It was the reason he hadn't taken a knighthood. He couldn't very well make a vow to never marry if he was already married. No one understood why you were married to Sandor, but then again, they hadn't known him as long as you had. He wasn't the man everyone saw him as. At least not fully. You knew that better than anyone since you'd known him since you were children.

Sandor had been ignoring you for weeks now and you weren't happy. Yes, you were still young, but you knew then that you and Sandor would be friends forever. And until recently, you had been. What had happened that Sandor was suddenly ignoring you? You'd heard the rumors of his bedding catching fire, but surely he would have told you. Wouldn't he? Determined not to lose your best friend, you marched right into Sandor's bedroom.

"Sandor!" He shied away from you, pulling the cloak tighter around him. "Go away," his voice rasped out. You furrowed your brows at him, wondering why he was wearing a cloak indoors. You took a step closer to him and he turned away from you. You continued to get closer, ignoring Sandor's pleas for you to leave him alone. When you were close enough, you pulled the hood of his cloak back. You let out a gasp at the sight of his face, burned and scarred almost beyond recognition. "Oh, Sandor." He turned further away from you. "There! You've seen it! Now go away!"

You frowned. "No." You reached over and gently touched the right side of his face. He flinched away. "Sandor." He refused to look at you. "Go away, Y/N. I don't want your pity." You felt your eyes well with tears. "Is that what you think? Sandor, you're my best friend and I love you." He huffed. "No ya don't. 'M a monster now. Ladies aren't friends with monsters." You reached over again and cupped the burned side of his face. "You aren't a monster. You're stuck with me forever." Sandor felt his lips twitching up into a smile.

*time skip*

You watched as Sandor trained. Ever since Gregor burned his face, Sandor had been determined never to be seen as weak again. He spent the majority of his time training and he was getting better every day. At seventeen, he was already nearly seven feet tall and as broad as a barn. He was muscular and strong. You could see every muscle as he moved gracefully around the practice ring. Even after all these years, you were still close to the man, but lately you had more than friendship on your mind.

As the years had gone on, you found yourself falling in love with your best friend. He was so handsome to you and loyal. And with him, you could be yourself. You didn't have to be the perfect little lady. You could be as honest as you wanted, swearing like a sailor if you wanted when you were with him. And you loved spending time with him. Yes, you loved him more than you ever thought possible and it wasn't the kind of love you held for your best friend. It was deeper than that. Much, much deeper.

"What's got ya so distracted?" You jumped a little. You hadn't realized that Sandor had finished his training already. You blinked up at him with a smile. "Nothing important. You're getting better." He shrugged. "Do you have time for a walk today?" you asked him. He arched a brow, but nodded. "For ya? Yeah." You beamed and offered a hand. He took it after a beat and let you lead him away.

"What do ya want, Y/N?" he asked when you were alone. "What makes you think I want something?" He let out a laugh. "Ya always want something when ya ask me if I want to go for a walk." You giggled. "Fair enough. You're right. There's something I wanted to talk to you about." You lead him over to a large boulder and made him sit. You stayed standing so you could be eye level with the giant of a man.

You were shaking as you let out a breath. You had been rehearsing this all day, but you were still nervous. "Sandor...I love you." He snorted. "That's what you're nervous about? I know ya do. Ya tell me all the time." You shook your head. "No Sandor I mean, I love you...I am in love with you. I want to be with you in every way and the thought of you being with someone else kills me."

Sandor didn't say anything at first. He stared at you as if he was processing what you had said. "Ya deserve better than me" he finally said. You glared at him. You hated when he got down on himself like that. "There is no one better than you for me, Sandor. You have been my best friend as long as I can remember and lately I've wanted us to be so much more. I want to be with you. You are the only man for me. The only one I have ever loved," you assured him, cupping his scarred cheek. He rested his hand on yours and stared into your eyes. "But I'm ruined." You huffed. "You are not. You are so handsome." Again, he didn't say anything and you sighed. "But, if you want to reject me, then I will respect your decision."

You turned to walk away, but Sandor caught your wrist. You turned back and saw the pink blush coloring his neck and the cheeks under his beard. "I don't wanna reject ya." You grinned, coming closer to him again. Before you could talk yourself out of it, you pressed your lips to his. It was everything you expected from a kiss from him. Neither of you had much experience, but that didn't matter. For you, it was the beginning of something beautiful for you both.

"Really? I would not have expected such a beautiful love story to involve someone as cruel as the Hound," Sansa said as Petyr finished telling her the story of you and Sandor. Sansa once again let her gaze travel to you. You were looking up at Sandor with an expression that reminded Sansa of her own parents. It was obvious to anyone looking that you were still deeply in love with Sandor, even after all the years that had passed. Sansa realized that, no matter what, everyone was capable of finding love.    

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