The Right Thing to Do (Robb Stark{platonic} x fem!reader x Jon Snow)

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You felt your heart breaking, but you couldn't tear your eyes away. Jon rode away from Winterfell without bothering to look back. That hurt worse than anything. The fact that the boy you had loved for years just left without a proper good-bye and without even casting a glance back at you.

A hand gently squeezed your shoulder and you looked to see Robb standing next to you. He was your best friend. He knew you better than anyone and he saw how it was affecting you to see Jon leave. "Come on. Why don't you come inside with me? We'll pinch some ale and go sit by the fire in library?" You smiled at him through your tears. "Alright. Thanks, Robb."

Robb's treatment for your melancholy was only temporary. As much as he tried, and boy did he try, it seemed nothing could mend your broke heart. Robb hurt seeing his best friend so sad. He wracked his brain for months trying to find a way to help you. After pondering, the answer came to him. If love was what broke your heart, perhaps love could fix it. He now had an idea and only hoped it would work.

You were up on the ramparts when Robb approached you. You often went up there to think. It calmed you. "Y/N?" You turned your head slightly to peer at him over your shoulder. "May I speak with you?" You gave him a sad smile. "You already are, Robb." Robb gave you a look that said he didn't appreciate your cheek.

"Y/N," he began softly. His tone was enough to make you turn to face him fully, your expression one of concern. "Y/N, I came up here to ask you something." You nodded, prompting to continue. "I came to ask for your hand in marriage." You froze with your eyes wide and your jaw practically on the ground. Not a very ladylike expression but you were surprised. Those were not words you ever thought you'd hear from your best friend.

Robb patiently waited for you to pick your jaw up and answer him. After a few moments, you did. "I'm sorry, Robb. I cannot." Robb frowned. "Why not?" You smiled at him as the tears began forming in your eyes. "Because you don't love me. Not that way. I don't love you that way. You're my best friend and I want to keep it that way."

"B-But I thought-" you cut him off with a bitter laugh. "You thought that, with Jon gone, I need someone to heal me and my heart. That's no reason to get married, though I appreciate the effort." Robb stared at you in confusion. "It's the right thing to do," he finally whispered. You reached over and cupped his bearded jaw. "No, Robb, it isn't. The right thing to do is for you to marry for love. Don't settle for me just because you want to cheer me up."

Robb nodded. You were right of course. You usually were. "I'm sorry if I offended you, Y/N." You shook your head. "You could never offend me, Robb. You were only trying to help. Now go on and let me brood in peace. Go find a pretty lady to make swoon." Robb let out a cheerful laugh. "Alright." He turned to walk inside. "If it helps at all, I think Jon made a mistake leaving you here." He went back inside, leaving you alone with your thoughts once more.

*time skip*

Years passed so slowly and yet so quickly at the same time. You were alone now. Robb had ridden off to war and had taken your family with him. They were all dead now and Jon? You hadn't heard from him since he left. It still hurt to think of him sometimes especially since you could never find another to replace him in your heart. You'd tried. You didn't expect you ever would. But you also didn't realize that you'd see Jon again.

"My lady!" your Maester cried, bustling into the room. "Yes?" The older man was panting and you waited for him to calm. "Lady Sansa Stark is at the gate. She is waiting for you. Along with a knight, Ser Davos of House Seaworth." You nodded and rose from your seat. As you walked to the door, the Maester spoke again, "And Lord Commander of the Night's Watch. Jon Snow."

You froze. Jon was here? In your holdfast? "W-Who did you say?" The Maester cleared his throat and repeated the list of people. You nodded. "Bring them to the Great Room." You gave yourself a pat on the back for not letting your voice waver. Although, as soon as your Maester was gone, your knees began knocking together and you let out a shaky breath. You weren't sure you were prepared to see Jon again. Not after so long. He probably wouldn't even remember you.

You were seated with your head held high when the three visitors entered the room. You gave Sansa a soft smile. She had grown into a lovely young lady. "Lady Y/N," she greeted. "Lady Sansa," you returned before looking to Jon. His dark eyes were riveted on you and you could see the recognition in them. "Lord Commander. You're a long way from the Wall." Jon squared his shoulders and launched into his speech.

You listened intently. You wanted to pretend like you wouldn't even consider pledging your army to him, but you knew you would in a heartbeat. This was Jon after all. And the Boltons had wronged you too. "House Y/L/N will honor our allegiance with House Stark, as we have done for centuries." Jon and Sansa smiled. You stood up and dismissed your council. Once they were gone, Sansa took her chance and ran to you. She flung her arms around you, letting you hug her close.

"Sweet Sansa, you've grown so much these last years. I can't tell you how much I missed you." Sansa was crying now and you fought back your own tears. When Sansa pulled back, she looked to Jon. He was still looking at you. Sansa nodded to Davos and they both left. You were left alone with Jon.

For a moment, nothing was said. A very awkward silence echoed through the hall. It was Jon who broke it. "You are still very beautiful." You felt the hot, angry tears burning your eyes. "Don't do that. You don't get to do that. You left me Jon! You don't get to come back and act like everything is going to be alright."

Jon let you rant for a moment, but when your hand come up as if to slap him, he caught your wrist. Not that you would have actually slapped him. The tears were streaking down your face and you broke down sobbing. "I'm sorry," you whimpered. Jon's brows furrowed in confusion. "For what?" You sniffled and replied, "For whatever I did to make you leave me." He used your trapped wrist to pull you to him. He wrapped an arm around your waist and the other cradled the back of your head.

"You did nothing, Y/N. I didn't know my leaving would hurt you so much." He held you and let you cry. All the feelings you had repressed came bubbling to the surface in the form of choking sobs. Jon tried to soothe you as best he could, but he really wasn't good at it. It did the trick though. You finally cried yourself out and pulled away from him.

"For what it's worth, I am sorry. I never imagined you cared for me so much. I thought you would move on once I left. Marry some lord or other." You laughed lowly. "Yes well, I could have. I could have married some lord. I could have married Robb as he did ask, but I chose not to. I didn't want any of them. I wanted you, Jon."

"I know that now and if I could change it, I would. But I can't. All I can do now is try to fix it. Try to make it better and, once I've taken Winterfell back from the Boltons, I will try. If you'll let me." You finally smiled and nodded. "I would like that." Jon hugged you again and you sighed at the feeling of his arms around you once more. Being there, you realized that you had been right all those years ago. Holding out for love was the right thing to do. 

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