Little Payne (Podrick Payne x fem!reader)

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The corridors of your family's holdfast seemed to stretch on forever while you searched for your new husband. You and Podrick hadn't been married very long and almost weren't at all. You were highborn and Podrick wasn't. He had been Lord Tyrion Lannister's squire when you'd met. It had almost been love at first sight. Actually, it was more awkward at first sight.

When Podrick had first seen you, he was taken aback by you. You were a breath of fresh air in the Red Keep and it distracted him. So much so that, when he took a step toward you, he tripped over his own feet and sent a goblet of wine flying all over your dress. Podrick immediately begged for your forgiveness, refusing to meet your gaze. To his surprise, you simply laughed at waved off his apology.

From that moment on, you spent every chance you could together. Podrick was sweet and loyal to a fault. He was charming even though your meetings were awkward at first. After spending so much time together, the two of you fell in love. Podrick was certain you could never be together because of your station, but you didn't care. Your family would not disown you. Both your parents believed in marrying for love and the fact that you were the only surviving heir helped as well. You and Podrick married as soon as you were able.

Now, here you were, trying to find your husband in the vast castle you called home. You were almost certain you knew where to find him though. Winding your way down the hall, you found yourself in the kitchen and, sure enough, there was Podrick. Not people knew it, but Pod was a great cook and liked to spend time in there. He looked up when you entered the kitchen and smiled shyly.

You walked over and kissed his cheek. "If you have a moment, there's something I need to tell you," you said softly so the cook wouldn't hear. Podrick looked confused, but nodded and followed you out of the kitchen. As soon as you were out of earshot of others, Podrick stopped you with a gentle hand on your arm. "Is everything alright?" You assured him that he was, grinning widely. "I'm pregnant."

"You-We-I..." Podrick couldn't seem to get the words out, but the smile on his face said enough. It wasn't something either of you expected so soon after getting married. However, you both knew you wanted a family some day. It was just happening a little earlier than you thought. For the rest of the day, Pod never left your side. He spent every moment with you and told everyone who would listen your good news.

*time skip*

Nine moons passed quickly for you and Podrick. It seemed like no time at all before you were ready to give birth. It was a long ordeal, but when you held your child in your arms for the first time, all the pain flew out the window. You looked down at your baby's face and fell in love. Podrick too. All through the day, his eyes kept wandering back to the little bundle he'd helped to create. He was in awe.

Night fell and you mercifully fell asleep quickly thanks to your long day. But Podrick couldn't bring himself to take his gaze off the infant. Once you were fast asleep, Podrick got up and crept over to the bassinet. The baby looked up at him with big eyes. Podrick reached down and cradled his babe to him. "My boy," he whispered. The boy cooed softly, looking up at his father. Podrick had never felt more pride in anything until that moment with his son cradled close to his chest and you, his beautiful wife, sleeping soundly a few feet away.     

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