Wish I'd Never Left (Gendry Waters x fem!reader)

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Sneaking into the group headed for the Wall hadn't been easy. You were a woman after all and the men they were taking to Wall were criminals, murders and rapists. However, you were desperate to escape King's Landing before Joffrey had you executed for a crime you didn't commit. So, you cut your hair, bound your breasts and fell in line behind a group of young men. One of those young men caught your eye and kept it the entire time.

Gendry was handsome and hard-working. He had his own certain charm that you couldn't help but be drawn to. He said what was on his mind unapologetically. And when he discovered that you were actually a woman, he because flustered and clueless as to how to talk to you. It was adorable. Granted, you couldn't blame him for being flustered after all. He had stumbled upon you bathing.

From that moment, Gendry and you grew close. He was the only one who knew your secret and you were glad that you had someone to share that with. He had to try not to treat you any differently than he did before he found out, but when the others were distracted elsewhere, the two of you would act differently.

Looks of friendship became soft gazes of adoration. Teasing became flirting and playful shoves became lingering touches. It didn't take long for those actions to carry over to your everyday lives and it took even less time for the others to notice, especially when you found your way into the Brotherhood without Banners. They knew two things right away. One: you were definitely a woman. And two: that you and Gendry were in head over heels in love with one another.

The way they had blatantly said it made you and Gendry stare at each other. Sure, the feelings were there, but neither of you had said those three words. How could you? You never knew if Joffrey's men would catch up to you and you would end up back in a cell in the Red Keep or worse. And Gendry felt the same. Still, neither of you could find the courage to say it out loud. But it would all change when she appeared. The Red Woman. She took Gendry and it would be years before you saw him again.

*time skip*

The Wildling stared at you from the other side of the bars. When Thoros, Beric, and Sandor decided to head north of the Wall, you went with them. After all, they had been your family for a long time now. You weren't about to let them go on such a dangerous mission without you. Not when you knew how to protect yourself and them now. But, you'd been caught and thrown into a cell at Eastwatch by the Sea.

"May I help you?" you snapped at the redhead Wildling. He smirked and shook his head. "Just wondering what a beauty like ya is doing with this rabble." You rolled your eyes. "None of your damn business," you told him as Beric said, "She's not interested, I'm afraid." Before the Wildling could reply, another one came down and whispered something in his ear. Without a word, he left and you let out a sigh of relief.

"You know, you could do worse...or are you still holding onto hope of seeing him again?" Thoros asked. You didn't answer, but that was enough for the priest. Yes, you were hoping to see Gendry again. While it was true he had chosen to leave you, you understood why he did. He was hoping to be reunited with his family. His family that was completely dead now.

Voices echoed through the corridors, making your ears perk up again. The Wilding appeared but this time he wasn't alone. Four other men stood with him. Three of them you didn't recognize, but one you certainly did. "Gendry," you whispered, but the only person who heard you was Sandor. Gendry didn't see you either. He was too busy focusing on his anger at Beric and Thoros, who sold him to the Red Woman. That was enough for you.

"You chose to leave! You could have stayed, no matter what they sold you for!" you snapped, drawing attention. Gendry finally looked at you in surprise. You rarely raised your voice, and never to him. The other men in the area looked at you in amusement. You sat back and crossed your arms over your chest while waiting for the others to decide what your next course of action would be.

Turns out, Jon Snow had plans to go beyond the Wall anyway. So you found yourself traveling behind the group of men. You needed to be alone for a few minutes. That didn't mean you couldn't hear the men's conversation about the best ways to keep warming. When Tormund mentioned that screwing was the best way, he turned to look back at you. "Don't even think about it," you growled at the same time Gendry did.

Tormund smirked again and turned around. You all walked on, but Gendry hung back a bit. You didn't say anything, but you were enjoying his presence next to you. No matter how upset you had been, you couldn't deny that you'd missed him. He didn't say anything either, but let his hand brush against yours. You jolted a little at the familiar sensation. You looked up at him with a soft smile. However, the moment didn't last long.

You heard shouting and whipped your head around. Wights. You and Gendry drew your weapons and rushed forward to help the others. There were far too many though. You hacked at one and then another, unaware of a third coming up behind you. Gendry was near you and looking a bit overwhelmed. "Gendry, run. You need to save yourself. One of us needs to live." Gendry shook his head.

You could have argued, but the third wight was upon you already. You fell face first into the snow. You barely had time to scramble to your feet and turn around before Gendry's hammer smashed into the wight. "You two need to return to Eastwatch! Tell them we need help!" Jon ordered. You stared to argue, but Gendry pulled your arm. You started to run as Tormund took Gendry's hammer.

You ran until you couldn't run anymore. Your legs and lungs were on fire by the time you both collapsed outside the castle gate. You could hardly see the figures running in your direction. You barely made out the words being said to you. You barely felt someone picking you up and carrying you before you lost consciousness.

You had no idea how long you were out, but you were certainly warm when you woke up. Groaning slightly, you opened your eyes and sat up. Your mind flashed through everything that had happened and your heart hurt. "Gendry," you whispered. Where was he? Had he made it with you? Was he too old?

As if on cue, the door opened and Gendry came in with Davos close behind. "Y/N." He rushed forward and took you in his arms. You sighed and wanted to cry to have him in your embrace again. "I'm sorry, Y/N." You squeezed him. "There's nothing to apologize for." He pulled you even closer, both of you ignoring the fact that Davos was in the doorway. Until the man cleared his throat anyway. You pulled away. "I don't mean to interrupt, but we need to leave. Jon Snow wants us back at Winterfell soon. And Beric Dondarrion wants you to come with us, my lady." He left the room.

Gendry turned back to you. "I wish I never left with that woman. If I hadn't maybe-" You cut him off by pressing a finger to his lips. "Don't. It doesn't matter now. We're together again." You cupped his cheek and he leaned into your touch. "I love you, Y/N. I should have said it years ago." You smiled before kissing him softly. "I love you too, Gendry. And yes you should have." You both laughed as you parted to grab your things to start your new adventure. Together.     

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