We Can Marry Now (Jon Snow x fem!reader)

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(slight season 6 finale spoilers!)

You were practically bouncing in your saddle as you rode into Winterfell. It had been years since you last seen the castle you'd spent many moons in as a young lady. You spent your days with the Stark children, Theon, and most importantly, Jon. Jon Snow, the man you had been in love with once. The man who, because he was a bastard, could not marry you. It had led to several arguments between the two of you, although none as big as the night before he left for the Night's Watch.

Now, as it dawned on you that you were about to be reunited with Jon, the fight pushed to the back of your mind. You couldn't stay mad at him for doing what he thought was his only option. After all, you hadn't exactly been given the option of marrying him either. Not when you were a higher born lady. But that wasn't a problem anymore. Not when Jon had just been proclaimed King in the North. Sansa had sent a raven to you with the news and the news that the lords were already pushing Jon to find a queen. Sansa knew there was no other option for Jon besides you.

Sansa was the first person to greet you when you came through the gates of Winterfell. "Y/N!" You dismounted and quickly wrapped your arms around her. "Dear Sansa! I've missed you." She pulled back after a moment and smirked slightly. "I bet you missed Jon more." You felt your face heat up. "Perhaps. I am surprised he did not greet me himself." In truth, you were surprised and a little hurt. It made you wonder if his feelings had changed over the years.

Sansa looked down at her feet and muttered something. "What?" you asked her and she glanced up at you, her face nearly the same color as her hair. "Jon doesn't know you're here." Your eyes widened. "I beg your pardon?" She repeated it and you waved her off. "Why doesn't he know I'm here?" Sansa gave a little shrug. "I wanted to surprise him." You sucked in a deep breath and exhaled slowly. That made the situation ten times worse. "Lovely. Where is he?" Sansa immediately jumped at the chance to lead you to Jon.

Sansa scurried away as soon as you approached the door to Jon's study. You raised your hand to knock. From inside you heard Jon mutter something, but couldn't make out what it was. So, you opened the door and walked in slowly.

"Sansa, I can't talk to you right now." You could hear the stress in his voice. "Perhaps you could spare a moment for me?" you asked, causing Jon to whip around to face you. "Y/N?" His jaw dropped in disbelief. You knew why too. Over the years, the both of you had grown and matured. Jon no longer looked like the same boy on the verge of manhood as he had when he left and you knew that you didn't look the same either.

"Is it really you?" You nodded. He came over and stood right in front of you. "What are you doing here?" he asked. His hand had raised slightly, as if to touch you. He looked like he was in a daze. Like he was dreaming and he didn't want the illusion to disappear. You took the initiative and grabbed his hand lightly.

"Sansa sent a raven. She told me what happened. She told me everything." Jon glanced down at your hands and sighed. "Everything?" Using your free hand, you tilted his chin back up so you could see the dark eyes you'd fallen in love with so many years before. "Everything. I have never been more proud of you, Jon." He shook his head.

"You wouldn't if you truly knew everything that had happened. I only hope you can forgive me." Your brows furrowed. "For what?" He disconnected your hands and moved away. "I feel like I betrayed you, Y/N." When you didn't respond, Jon started talking. He told you absolutely everything, just like he used to. It was when he started talking about Ygritte that you knew what he was asking forgiveness for.

You moved closer to him again. "Jon, there is nothing to forgive. You were lonely, cold. You had left, thinking you would never see me again. You had every right to fall in love with someone else." He looked at you in surprise. He didn't expect you to be so calm about it. "I did love her, but I never stopped loving you. Ever." You smiled and took his hands once more. "And I never stopped loving you. That's why I'm here."

Jon looked confused for a moment, but then you could see the gears turning in his head. A small, rare smile spread across his face as realization dawned on him. "I'm King," he said simply and you nodded. He laughed a little and repeated, "I'm King." He let go of your hands, grabbed your waist, picked you up slightly, and spun you. "I'm King. We can marry now." You giggled.

"Yes we can, Jon. That's why Sansa wrote me," you told him once he put you down, "She told me the lords were pressuring you to marry and produce an heir, if only to secure your lineage. I held onto hope that you still loved me as I love you." Jon leaned in and rested his forehead on yours. "We can marry now," he whispered. You could see that he was still stunned at the thought. "Yes, Jon. And, if you will have me, I will gladly marry you. Just as I would have all those years ago." Jon's reply came in the form of the passionate claiming of your lips with his.    

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