At the Gym pt. 2(Sandor Clegane x fem!reader) Modern AU

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Sandor arrived at the gym a little earlier than usual. He was hoping to see you. You hadn't been to the gym all week and it worried him. He cursed himself for not getting your number sooner. For all the years he'd been going to that gym, you were there at least four times a week. You never missed. Until now. Sandor couldn't help but wonder if he'd scared you off already. You hadn't even had your dinner together yet.

Sandor started his workout as he waited for you to arrive. An hour passed and still no sign of you. He tried to keep himself calm. There were other people in the gym and it wouldn't for him to lose his cool. Luckily, he wouldn't have to. A phone at the front desk rang just then and a second later, the receptionist called out Sandor's name.

His brows drew together, but he took the phone from the hand of the receptionist, who looked ready to pee their pants at the sight of him. "Yeah?" he asked into the speaker. "Sandor?" The man breathed a sigh of relief at the sound of your voice. You were okay. "Y/N. Where the hells have you been?" You chuckled lightly. "I sprained my ankle at work the other day. Doctor ordered me off it as much as possible, so no work outs. I figured you'd be at the gym so I thought I'd call. I was wondering if you're available for our dinner tonight? I'll cook." Sandor quickly agreed and you gave him your address.

Sandor arrived at your house a couple of hours later, more nervous than he thought he'd be. He rang the bell and waited. He didn't have to wait long before you opened the door. Your face was sporting a bright grin, a sight Sandor rarely saw from women. Your hair was brushed to a shine and you had very minimal make-up. That wasn't really what got Sandor. What got him was the fact that you managed to get yourself put together and cook dinner all while hobbling around on crutches.

"There you are! Come on in!" you greeted, carefully moving out of the way. Once the door closed behind him, you lead the way to the kitchen. "Dinner's almost ready if you want to have a seat." Sandor grunted. "Why don't ya let me get it for ya? Ya probably shouldn't be up so much." You gave a little shrug. "I'm fine. I already got most of it done before you got here." Sandor didn't look amused and you chuckled. "I promise I'll sit after I get dinner out of the oven. Besides, hobbling on this crutches is a good arm workout."

Sandor sat down and tried not to fidget. It wasn't that he was uncomfortable with you, but the man hadn't been on a real date, well, ever. "Sandor, you don't have to be nervous. I don't bite." Sandor snorted out a laugh, "Says the woman who refused ta workout with me in the gym." You stuck your tongue out before laughing. Sandor couldn't remember the last time he had been so playful with anyone.

"Fair enough. In my defense, you're hot and you always lifted weights right in front of the treadmill I was on. I could see every muscle moving. It's very distracting," you said, putting food on plates with your back to Sandor. His eyes scanned your formed. "Yeah well, did ya ever stop ta think that I worked out in front of ya so I couldn't see ya?" You glanced back at him with a raised brow, but he didn't elaborate.

Shrugging it off, you reached over and carefully slid his plate in front of him before grabbing your own. "You're a stubborn woman, aren't ya?" You giggled and nodded. "Always have been. Dig in," you said as you eased into your seat.

As the two of you ate, you struck up conversation. Sandor was much more open to talking when it was just the two of you. That fact didn't escape your notice. In the span of time you were eating, you learned more about Sandor, including how he got his scars. "Your brother did that to you? That's horrible."

"Yeah well, he got his. He'll be in prison for the rest of his life." You nodded and finished up your food. You got up and took your plate in hand, but Sandor stopped you. "Let me. Ya said you'd sit and I'm holdin' ya to that." You chuckled but let go of the plate. "Alright. Just stick them in the dishwasher." Sandor did as you asked and turned back to you. "Now, how are ya at cards?" You arched a brow. "You aren't tired of me yet?" Sandor actually laughed. A deep, full-belly laugh. "Course not." You grinned. You sat back down as Sandor fished a deck of cards from his jacket pocket.

"What did you mean when you said that you work out in front of me so you don't have to see me?" you asked after the second hand. Sandor's brown eyes left the cards he was shuffling to look at you. "I meant that you're hot and a distraction," he answered, throwing your own words back at you with a smirk. You bit your lip and glanced down at your lap.

You were surprised that the rest of the time he was there wasn't awkward after that. The two of you sat up playing cards until the very late hours of the night. When you saw that it was well after midnight, you laughed. "I should probably go. I've got an appointment in the mornin'." You nodded and got up, grabbing your crutches to walk him out.

"I'd like to do this again," you admitted once you reached the door. "Yeah. Me too." You beamed up at him. "Here. Let me give you my number this time so I don't have to call the gym." You quickly entered your number in Sandor's phone. You handed it back to him. You stared at him and Sandor could see you contemplating your next move.

Without warning, you brought your hand up to the back of his neck and pulled him down. When your lips were almost touching, you stopped, giving him a chance to refuse you. Sandor closed the gap between you himself, eager to see if your lips felt as soft as they looked. They did. Sandor didn't want to stop kissing you now that he started.

Eventually, you had to part for air. Once you caught your breath, you panted, "Are you sure you have to leave?" There was a glint in your eye that Sandor hardly recognized. He glanced back toward his car in the driveway before looking back at you. He kissed you again. "Yeah, but trust me, I'll be comin' back." You pressed your lips to his again, sealing the promise.    

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