Grandma Athena

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Quick question: If I was to kill a villain, not that I'm gonna though. Who would you want dead? Johnathan or Eric?


Created By; Snow Marisvega

Chapter 63

Jaxton's P.O.V

I sat in the kitchen as I ate lunch, I had to follow Dylan immediately he left the coffee shop an hour ago. His mood changed, completely and we all felt it. I knew it had to be Eric, I didn't need anyone to tell me that asshole was the reason behind Dylan's sudden mood swing. I hate that asshole, everything seemed to be falling apart now. First it was Raven almost being raped and then my mother suddenly wanting to be in my life again which is a little weird and then there's Dylan, trying to keep his life as the lie it is for some time.

Tragic best friends events.

I decided to let him be for now, I figured he needed his space since he looked like he was about to cry at any time and if I say anything he was gonna cry and I knew he didn't want to do that on the street or in front of me. After I asked what was wrong once we left the coffee shop and he didn't answer, I didn't say anything else cause I knew he didn't want to talk and couldn't even if he wanted to, so I gave him his space.

Dylan knew how to act, he was great at pretending everything was fine, and that was what he did when we got home. He acted like everything was fine, a smile so perfect and real was on his face you wouldn't know he wanted to slam his head against the wall, I was worried about him. He greeted his grandmom and his mother who was home, I knew it was part of Mr. Dexwell's plan. He got Dylan's grandparents here so they can stop Bonnie from working since she wouldn't listen to anyone and it's been just a day and they already made her stay home.

Mr. Dexwell and Mr. Felix, Dylan's hot grandfather had gone out. Apparently, Dylan's grandfather needed a tour to know if he'd ever want to come here again. I hope he doesn't, this town is a curse.

Mr. Felix isn't as old as most grandfather's are, he's got total Grey hair and is well built, he looked like the kinda man everyone would want to look like when they get old. Classy.

My mother had made me think more than I should, I didn't know if to forgive her, I really wanted to believe her. Maybe she did change but I couldn't forget the things she did and said to me. I decided to give her another chance and try the mother-son thing again but then Dylan's mom spoke to me about it and she made me understand that people don't change just by saying they have. I needed proof from her that she was ready to have me back in her home and treat me like her own son. I hope my sister is okay, I don't want her hating me, I mean I really do love her and wanna go back to her but I don't know how much more I can take. She needed to prove herself and I have told her that, promises mean nothing these days.

I love the Dexwell family and I'm always gonna say it, they make me feel special. They make me feel like I deserve to be happy, that I deserve a family and I couldn't be more thankful for them.
Mr. Dexwell was a father figure to me, he didn't treat me any different, he was super nice to me.

Bonnie? She was the best being in the world, she was the mother I always dreamed of. She never made me feel like I wasn't her son, she was perfect. She didn't treat me differently as well, hell she even gave me special treatment and Dylan never complained.

Dylan, I found a brother in him. He was amazing, he was my savior. The number of times he had called me his brother warmed my heart, he has been there for me in difficult times, he helped me fight my demons and I cannot thank him enough for everything. He's been really stressed lately, with the whole Raven situation and now Eric. I doubt he had any sleep last night.

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