11 | Teach me!

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"YOU CAME." Drake shouts from the door and rushes towards me. I jump up when he pinches my arm so hard.

"Ow. Jerk that hurt why did you do that." I whine, rubbing the spot where he pinched.

"You came. I thought you were joking when you said you are coming. I thought I was dreaming so I pinched." he says while giving my shoulder a light pat.

"Then you should pinch yourself. You were dreaming. I wasn't."

"No, you didn't get it I thought I am hallucinating so I pinched you to see if you are real or a figment of my imagination."

I roll my eyes and we sit on our seats. After two days I come to college. Drake was calling me asking when I am going to come or how I am. So I just played with him and lied that I will be there. Two days passed and I still wasn't in college. So I guess it was shocking for him to see me here. My foot took three days for healing. It's better now I wasn't limping like I used to.

Drake tells me everything I missed from past three days. I copy the notes when suddenly my eyes dart towards the door just in time Liam enters the room. He has earphones on as usual and he looks around for seat but this time he wasn't alone. A girl is almost clinging to him as he walks further. She is saying something and from his face. It looks like he isn't listening. Poor Girl. I avert my eyes and start writing my notes as they passed from my side. I hear him talking to someone.

The day we fought is the last time since we talk. Well he was the one who started. All I did was to inform him about the phone call. The way he shouted and got all angry on me reminds me of the Liam I knew when I first met him. He told me I am nosey but I didn't even go through his things nor did I ask about the girl who was calling him. I know I am not his friend so how I was nosey when I never once interfere in his business. That time when he left my apartment I was thinking—what did I do wrong. He shouted like I am the one to be blamed. I did nothing wrong and he went all angry on me. Honestly I don't care because if it was my mistake, right now I've been finding ways of saying sorry to him but I did nothing wrong so why should I care.

"Drake do you mind if you could teach me about the topics I missed after college?" I ask him once we walk outside after lecture.

"Me?" he points innocently at him. "In chemistry. Nah." he says while walking ahead of me. I run to keep up with him.

"Please Drake remember you told me yesterday on phone you will help me." I remind him while turning my full body at him and walking backwards.

"I can't remember saying anything like that." he says while rubbing his chin. I roll my eyes and kick his foot.

"Pleaseeeeeee." I stretch the word longer than necessary and find it hilarious when he squeezes his eyes shut and covers his ears.


I wasn't seeing where I was going as I was walking backwards, my back hit someone and I stumble on my feet but someone caught me on time.

Phew I can't take a sprain leg again.

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