54 | Subway Station.

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"Um guys what are you doing?" I ask

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"Um guys what are you doing?" I ask. My voice shook each one of them differently. Russell, who was sitting on a chair, trips over. Kim, who was looking at something from the small window, is now having a smack from the door above her head. Peter who was laughing suddenly silenced himself and well Jake and Audrey are trying to hide their laughter.

I was expecting them to be involved in work not like this.

"Oh hey look, it's Evanna." Russell exclaims nervously. His eyes going back and forth from all the members present inside the medium sized kitchen.

"Hello." All of them greet me like kids say good morning in class, all in unison. I feel like their goddarn teacher.

"Hey." I awkwardly smile before stepping more into the kitchen.

"What are you doing?" I ask. I don't know if I disturb them or not. They weren't doing anything but they might have organised a secret meeting here and now they are not talking because of me.

"Oh nothing. We were just gossiping." Audrey says, examining her red painted nails.

"About what?" I cautiously ask, trying not to sound too nosy.

"You...ouch." Peter winces in pain and hop on his one foot. Like a bunny. I again hold in my laughter.

"He means we were thinking about you while gossiping like Eva should be here with us. Ya know." Jake says while shrugging, a nervous smile playing on everyone's lips. Why am I not feeling satisfied?

"Okay." I say, uncertainty clear in my voice.

"Well I came to taste what Peter had made." I smile at him.

"You're hungry?" He asks.

"I thought you ate plenty." A sly grin crosses his face, making me freeze. Woah woah what? My eyes widen, roaming everywhere in the kitchen, scanning everyone's faces. Only one thing is common in all five of them. Their faces. An amusing smile plastered on each one of their faces.

"Sorry?" I gulp, my voices came out too high pitched for my liking.

"Oh come on Peter, why are you making her feel sorry? She is just here for the rubbish you make, in fact you should be sorry." Audrey says, her eyes telling something else to Peter. I don't know what but I want to know.

"Excuse me. Rubbish?" Peter gasps and touches his chest before saying. "That's called Peter's special."

"There is nothing special about Peter special though. Just saying in advance." Jake tells me when Peter grabs my hand and pulls me towards the table. I nervously laugh at Jake and Peter let go of my hand only to hit Jake. I fiddle with my fingers, feeling uncomfortable for the first time among them. They are acting so strange yet the same. I know I am missing something but at the same time their faces and talking prove me wrong.

"Thank you." I politely smile at Kim when she hands me the spoon. I roll it in my fingers before taking a bite at what Peter called it Peter special. I don't know what's in it, what exactly it is but oh my god.

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