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Songs for the chapter :

Why by Sabrina Carpenter

Perfect by One Direction

Empire State Of Building by Alicia Keys (Ft.Jay-Z )

The waitress bring our orders and I put my bag aside

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The waitress bring our orders and I put my bag aside. She put down a tray with a burger and steaming coffee and what appear to be a... bandage?

“Do you need any more ice?” she asks. Liam shakes his head and I smile at her.

“Thank you.” I say. She smiles back and leaves our table.

“You asked for bandage too?” I ask, picking the white roll.

“Yes, now give me your hand.” he orders.

“It's not that serious as you're making it. I am okay.” I tell him. Since the almost accident he is been acting a bit edgy or should I say overly protective. Not too long ago, a man and woman waltzed in and went from our side, accidentally knocking my elbow which made Liam bark out a very rude comment on them.

“Rose just shut up for a minute and let me do it.” he says. I huff at his stubbornness and pick the fries from the tray.

“Why you only ordered one burger? Aren't you hungry?”

He shakes his head. “No. I am fine.”

He tightens the knot on the palm and finally let go of my hand as soon as he does I dive in for food. I only bite on my burger when I find his eyes on mine.

“I get hungry again.” I mumble, blushing. He had ask me before if burger would be fine and I told him it is as I am not hungry I had breakfast but now here I am eating like a starved pig the minute food occurs.

“I know which is why I ordered.” he smirks. I scoff and begin eating.

“Are you okay with...” I gesture to his various bruises and cuts on face. People present in cafe were looking at him strangely when we entered. Probably curious about how he got them that too in bulk. Although the swelling of his face is gone.

“It's fine.”

“It doesn't look like it. Did you even treat them...you know after I left.” I say, knowing him I bet he didn't pick a single cotton to wipe the blood. There are still some dried patch on his cheeks and it looks like he only took a shower to get rid of the flowing blood.

“Yes.” he lies.

I stare at him, putting my burger down. I continue to stare at him until he sighs loudly.

“Fine I didn't. Damn. It's just I didn't get time. My body was hurting and I slept.”

“You didn't look like you slept.” I point. His dark circles showing and the drowsiness in his eyes evident.

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