74 | Jealously.

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I stir, sinking my face more into the pillow—pillows

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I stir, sinking my face more into the pillow—pillows. My alarm went off ten minutes ago but I have no intentions of waking up, at least not this soon. Even though today is Sunday yet I set an alarm because I had so much in my plate today. I yawn into the fluffy surface before shifting to face the ceiling. Glancing to my left, the lamp stare back at me and I let out a huge sigh. I on and off it for a couple of times before standing up from my bed.

Padding slowly across to my window, I look out seeing the people already up to start their day. My eyes travel to my desk and I walk there, picking up my new grey sketchbook. I trace my fingers on the cover before putting it down with my collection, placing it between black and white sketchbooks. I smile which soon died down, remembering yesterday events. I again let out a huge sigh and enter into my bathroom, looking my face in the mirror.

Yesterday, I try to call Drake after I done talking to Amy but he didn't pick up. I called him many times but never got him on other side. Fearing for our friendship didn't help me in sleeping last night. I know whatever happened at Liam's room yesterday was drastic and both of them were mad and equally at fault but then why since yesterday I felt like I am the one who is at fault. Even though I did whatever it takes to stop them. Both of them cut me off like I was the one who provoked them to fight with each other. After Drake left Liam's apartment–I thought he would call me once he went to his home. I waited alot since his stuffs are with me. He had said he would take it from me so I assumed he would afterwards come to me or may be call but when I sense he wasn't going to call me. I did but got nothing. He left me hanging.

I don't even know but to do, tomorrow is Monday, our chemistry exam and his notes and everything related to that subject is with me. That subject isn't his strong asset yet he didn't make any advancement to reach upto me to say he is going to come to take it or at least ask me if I could give him. Was he that mad at me to not call me and jeopardize his study?

What do you expect from him after you took side with Liam. Huh? My subconscious asks me. I shake my head.

That isn't true. I did not take side. Sure I said to Liam that I care for him more but that doesn't mean I care for Drake less. They both hold different position in my heart. One is my friend and other...

Is a friend too.

No he is more than that. He is the person I like...so very much. What Drake told him the other day—it was like he aimed at me too because I happened to feel for Liam. I did not like how he crosses the boundaries to the limit of calling Liam an animal and not to mention about that donation thing. Bringing his parents when we already talked long on this topic at his room. He was the one who insinuated on that topic yet he brought that even when I told him. Liam might have strained relationship with his parents. On other hand Liam reaction to his words was definitely bad, punching his face was something I didn't expect he would do. I hoped for some threatening words like he usually throw but something in him snapped the minute Drake finished and he lurched at him. I still couldn't believe he punched his jaw and probably give him a bruise.

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