80 | Care for me.

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The next morning I was woken up by Liam as he promised; he would, he dropped me to college on time

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The next morning I was woken up by Liam as he promised; he would, he dropped me to college on time. I had taken a shower in his place and wore my yesterday clothes, although it isn't that smelly but the thought of how much I had cried in this clothes made me decided to go back to my place and change it with something fresh. I already studied for my art class so it wasn't much of a problem giving the exam. Last night or should I say the whole day I didn't even pick a book to study—considering that I had done pretty well. Alan smiled at me and we chat a little after our exam, going along our plan once again. He parted his ways with me to go home and sleep since he was busy in studying for his two more exams.

I wish I could too go home and sleep a more or even eat a little but professor Cooper announced an important lab class of chemistry today so I had to attend it. I quickly jog back to my apartment to change still not finding Amy. Her last message was of telling me how she is crashing at Georgia's and no sign of attending college tomorrow is there. Well I understand since they got drunk. I am not caring about anybody except for Amy. It's definitely her first time handling a booze and I don't even know how she is going to handle it or handled it. Knowing my case, if she is tad bit like me, oh god so help her then.

I was back to college after grabbing pop tart with me and wearing new clean clothes. I turn towards lab class and I was surprised to see Liam already standing. I smile going over to him but then stop when I see no sign of Drake. I pulled my phone, calling him when Liam gaze lifted to me only to stare at his screen again. The ring goes on the other side but no-one answers. I try again but still no response.

“What's wrong?” Liam asks not looking up from phone.

“Drake isn't here neither he is picking up.” I say, calling again.


“So I am checking on him because he isn't here.” I say in a duh tone.

“He is not a fucking toddler who needs your assistance. He isn't here that's his problem not yours.” he rolls his eyes.

“He is my friend Liam, he rarely miss class and if he is doing it. I have a right to check on him.” I tell him, scoffing.

“Yeah go ahead, do your rights.” he flatly says. My mouth turned down at his tone but I didn't say anything and continue to call Drake. I lost count on what ring he picked up.


“Where are you? You forget today is lab class.” I hastily say due to arrival of professor any minute now.

“Yeah...I know about it. I am just on my way. You there?”

“Yes, ten minutes early. You hurry up.”

“I am nearly there...wait.” I heard footsteps running on the background and his fast breathing. “Right on time.” this time I look at the door and see him standing there with a smile on his face.

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