88 | Sick.

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I focus my eyes on board, where professor Claire is teaching yet another ancient art history

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I focus my eyes on board, where professor Claire is teaching yet another ancient art history. Normally, I kind of liked some of theory classes but other than that I absolutely loathed it. I liked learning about arts-I am not saying I am only into colors and canvas but there are something which you literally can not learn with an enthusiastic face and that is. The history and techniques used in printmaking. No matter how professor, made it sound like fun and often saying this is the most interesting fact, to make us believe it is before telling us about the minutiae which literally after hearing made know change in the boredom room. I am sure if I start a petition on who's with me. I would get to know each and every member's name of this class-including professor Claire who also looks done.

I yawn, hiding by ducking my head, pretending to look into my book once I raise my head back to board. I caught two other people yawning openly. I listen to more about woodcut, type print which was earliest and used in east until the time finally over. The student practically yelled the time and professor didn't even wait to check the time and exit the class. I sigh and pack my stuffs, putting my pencils I brought in excitement to make something in my sketchbook but not a single one is being used today.

“That lecturer literally sucked my energy.” Alan says, sitting on the chair in front of me.

“Same man, I am drained.” I sigh, shoving my textbook of art history.

“Theory classes are worst. Art supposed to be laid on canvas by our artistic hands not get listen from books that made you question why did you even choose that subject.” I throw my hands up in air.

“Yeah, well I could back you up on that if our grades wasn't on stake but unfortunately this semester it's all about theories unlike the last one which was based on individual skills.” Alan huffs.

“I really loved that you know. I wish somehow council looks and see how it's bad to grade us upon the knowledge we and they both know isn't going to be rememberable the minute we finish our test. Why made us learn all of that and waste each other times?”

Alan stares at me for a second until he laughs. I furrow my eyebrows and let him finish his joy. “You're funny.” he only comments that and begin to talk about our work we have been doing for exhibition. It doesn't take me long to figure out that Alan really thought I say all of that as a joke. The guy really think I was being funny but the truth is I wasn't. I was one hundred percent hella serious.

But I wasn't about to tell him that and made myself dumb in front of him. At least I establish myself as a funny person even if it was like a false alarm. In middle of our discussion, my eyes fly to the class window and I saw a guy walking, dressed up in black pants and shirt. My heart beats and without thinking I stand up, to catch after him. I excused myself from Alan and bolted out from the classroom.

The man tighten his hoodie around his head and stuff his hands under his pockets. I shout. “Liam.” he didn't listen and kept on walking. I increase my pace and shout much more louder, touching his back. “Liam wait.”

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