55 | Terror!

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I don't have a single clue as to why we first entered the subway station

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I don't have a single clue as to why we first entered the subway station. Why Liam bought the tickets for both of us and why we both are sitting inside a metro. I have been asking him many times but all I got is nothing but an eye roll. I know I have been bugging him since we left the cafe and probably I annoy him alot by asking the same question but he should understand how much of an impatient person I am. 

I never went to the subway station of New York, only one time Amy and I came but since it was so crowded, we decided to go in a cab. I vaguely watched it but now I am eyeing the station, noticing how it is. It sounds weird to some people that I am checking out a station. I am like this whether it's a shop, someone's house, kitchen or even a car. I always notice things. It's just a habit. So far I like the station. Firstly because it's structure is good and second there aren't many people where you can't even breathe. I notice shops too. I like little shops. We took the D train and now we are sitting on the seats we luckily found. 

“Why are you laughing?” Liam asks, bringing me back from my thoughts. I stop and look towards him. 

“I am thinking about the scene from Amazing Spider Man the train one.” I blurt out and hold in my laughter. I just saw a guy with a beer bottle and I don't know why but I imagine Liam being Peter Parker. 

He rolls his eyes. “Lovely.” He dryly comments, ruining my mood. Why I expect him to carry on the joke and involve himself in my imagination? I sigh and look outside the window. Since it's dark outside their isn't much to see. I feel myself getting bored and I look towards Liam who isn't looking in the mood to talk. I know he is stressed about something related to the person, he was texting. When we were standing taking our tickets, I saw him texting again. His phone rings but he avoids attending instead texted. I resist the urge to ask because I know I won't be getting any answers. He is a reserved kind of guy when it comes to him. I feel like sometimes, there is more to him that he actually showcase himself in front of me whenever we are together. He sometimes looked like he is mentally somewhere else. It's so small change in his mood that without noticing properly one could missed it but I always notice him when he thinks I am not. 

“Have you ever traveled by train?” He asks, taking me by surprise. I wasn't expecting him to start a conversation.

“Yeah I do. But back in Florida, not here.” 

“So you travel by train often?” 

“Sometimes and that too with my Dad every time. He is kind of protective, you know because of the crowd that gets into Metro.” I only sit like five times. First because I wanted to ride in a train. Second it was because we had to go somewhere and Dad wasn't in a state to drive. He had a fracture in his hand even though he is kind of in pain but still he walked me to our destination. The other times were random. 

“He is strict?”

“What?” I laugh before saying. “Absolutely not. He is so soft like a fluffy bear only for us though. My mom owns the strict department. My dad is just protective over me and my brother. He really prevents problems from our path, for us and tries to give us as much comfort as he can give. My words may sound like he is a strict parent but no he isn't. He is a lawyer so definitely there are many cases that he handles of assaults and all that. He gets paranoid so he avoids me taking metros and all transportation.”

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