First Date!!!

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Bakugou was rushing. He had exactly 11 minutes and 41 seconds before he had to go pick up Deku, and by his estimates, it would take another 10 minutes for the brownies to finish and exactly 5 for him to finish setting up. He did have to admit, as excited as he was for his and Deku's first official date, he was also about to pee his pants from nerves.

    Sure, he and Deku had been alone tons of times on what some people would consider coffee shop dates during their study breaks. But this was different. This wasn't a coffee shop. This was a date date. Like a flowers and candles date. He had never even gone on a date with someone before, nonetheless a fancy one. Maybe he should have just taken Deku to the movies. He couldn't mess up a movie.

    Midoriya was panicking. He and Kacchan were about to go on their first official date. What in the world did someone wear on a date? His shirt that said shirt was probably not appropriate. Uraraka had already tried to float it into the atmosphere, she'd kill him if she ever found out he wore it on a date. He shuddered just thinking about it.

    He did have a plain grey shirt though. And a pair of black jeans. That would work. Right? He glanced at the clock. 2 minutes until Kacchan came to pick him up. It would have to work.

    Knock, knock, knock.

    "Coming!" Midoriya called, attempting one last time to fix his hair before opening the door.

    Bakugou stood there, wearing a plain navy shirt and black jeans. Guess the jeans were a good idea. Midoriya thought.

    "Hey Kacchan."

    "Hey nerd, you ready?"

    Midoriya smiled and took Bakugou's outstretched hand. Bakugou pulled him out of his room, shutting the door behind him, before pulling him up the stairs and to the rooftop door.

    "Close your eyes." Bakugou whispered.

    Midoriya complied, allowing Bakugou to lead him onto the roof and sit him down in a chair.

    "Okay, you can look."

    Midoriya blinked. Bakugou sat across from him at a little table with a candle and Katsudon on it. The roof was lit with candles that formed a circle around them. He could see a table a few feet over with some other covered dishes on it.

    "Kacchan..." Midoriya held back his tears. "It's beautiful. Thank you."

    "Don't cry nerd. And you're welcome. Ready to eat?"

    "Of course!"

    They dug into the Katsudon, Midoriya claiming that Bakugou's katsudon was even better than Mama Midoriya's (Bakugou totally didn't swell with pride at that comment), and Bakugou poking fun at Midoriya's katsudon obsession.

    The brownies were an even bigger hit. Mostly because they were Ghirardelli brownies. Which could make anyone melt. Bakugou had even brought up ice cream and hot fudge to go with them. (He couldn't contain his laughter when Midoriya practically melted to the floor with his first bite.)

    They laughed and talked past midnight, giving up on the table and laying on their backs instead. Turning the table cloth into a makeshift blanket for stargazing. Bakugou pointed out the different constellations, recalling the different myths behind them. How some of the constellations were the solace of girls running from their attackers or the resting place of the dead beloved of the greek gods.

    It was about midnight when Midoriya started shivering. Bakugou pulled him up, wrapping the tablecloth around his shoulders. "Come on nerd. We aren't done."

    Midoriya followed him with a smile, asking questions about Cassiopeia. Bakugou happily answered, all the while leading Midoriya back to his dorm.

    "Here we are." Bakugou opened his door, revealing a pillow fort stocked with popcorn, candy, pillows, and blankets. He pulled Midoriya in and pushed him into the pillows, laughing as Midoriya pulled him down beside him.

    "What movie are we watching?"

    "Hmmmm. How does IT sound?"


    Bakugou laughed, "okay, okay! How about Moana?"


    They snuggled up, Midoriya resting his head on Bakugou and Bakugou resting his head on Midoriya's. Pillows and blankets surrounded them, the light from the movie shining on them.

    That was the start of their movie marathon, Moana being followed by Frozen 1 and 2, along with Tangled and The Little Mermaid. It was past 7 when they finally fell asleep, still snuggled up to each other.

    When Kirishima knocked at half past 9 (after he tried to burst in only to find that the door was locked) he received no answer, leaving him to find a different sparring partner for the day. And when Uraraka went to invite Midoriya to go bowling with her and Tsu, Todoroki and Iida being too busy studying, she also received no answer.

    Midoriya and Bakugou ended up spending the entire day together, rotating between napping, cleaning up the roof when no one was around, and playing video games. Midoriya did suggest studying at one point, but Bakugou pointed out they were so far ahead in their studies that there was no point, leaving them to have the rest of the weekend to themselves.

Hi everyone! Sorry for taking so long to post! I meant to post the day after Christmas but stuff came up. If anyone noticed the picture at the top today, it's the ranking of this story on Christmas! We hit #1 in BakuDeku!!! Thank you everyone for reading and interacting! It's also really interesting how the ratings change everyday, I was watching once I noticed we hit #7. I hope everyone is having a great holiday!!!

P.S. Just saw we're at 25K views?!?! Thank you again everyone!!!

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