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Note: I did look up when Todoroki was born and using his age (16), it would technically be 2019 in this story. We're just rolling with it. You'll get it in a minute.

Todoroki was warm. Like warmer than usual. He didn't accidentally activate his left side again in his sleep did he? Todoroki opened his eyes. Oh. OH. Oh shit. Todoroki felt his face heat up as he desperately tried to keep from starting a fire on the bed. That would definitely wake up the boy who was currently holding Todoroki to his chest. V e r y  t i g h t l y. Kirishima groaned and shifted, somehow pulling Todoroki even closer. Yup, Todoroki was going to die. This was it. He was going to die of gayness. He could just see it now:

Todoroki Shoto

The unfortunate egg given a parasite sperm.

Died of gayness


...that'd piss his sperm donor off right? Think he could add: The unfortunate son of Endeavwhore on there? Would that be too much?

Todoroki froze as he felt Kirishima begin to stir.

"Todo?" Kirishima blinked down at him.

"Good morning, Kiri." Don't blush. Don't blush. Don't blush.

"Ah, uh," Kirishima let go of Todoroki, "sorry about that. I usually sleep with a giant shark plushie.

" match your shark teeth?"

Kirishima looked at him and laughed. "They're not shark teeth! At least, I don't think they are..."

Todoroki eyed him. "We should get ready for school."

"I should go back to my room to change then. Thanks for the study session and for letting me sleep here, Todobro!"

"No problem, Kiri."

Todoroki smiled slightly as Kirishima grabbed his bag and ran out the door. He was just so cute—nice! He was just nice! And friendly! And holy fuck, he was so gay.

Midoriya woke up in Bakugou's arms, again... for the seemingly millionth time, and he couldn't be happier. This was perfect. And Bakugou looked so peaceful when he was asleep. He had this little smile that Midoriya would only see when it was just the two of them and once in a while Bakugou would mumble in his sleep. Usually just a "die" or "fuck off, shitty hair," but sometimes it was an "I love you, nerd" or he'd say "Izuku" before pulling Midoriya even closer to his chest. It was just... goodness, it was just precious. Not that he'd ever tell Bakugou that. Midoriya's death wish did not extend to dying at the hands of his boyfriend. Little did Midoriya know, his day was going to get a lot more chaotic, a lot faster.

The first thing Midoriya heard when he walked downstairs was Hagakure, Mina, Sero, and Uraraka laughing. And honestly, he didn't mean to eavesdrop, he really just wanted a nice, but quick, breakfast he could take back up and share with his boyfriend. But no, instead his morning was delightfully filled with shipping.

"Oh come one! You totally have a crush on him, Uraraka!"Mina exclaimed.

"I mean, yeah. But can you blame me?! He's so cute and nice and hot when he's fighting..."

Mina shrieked. "You have to ask him out!"

"I can't! Deku has been disappearing a lot lately. I think he's really stressed with training or something. I want to wait until he actually has time for me."

Midoriya choked.

"Are you sure he likes you? No offense, but I kinda thought Mido was ya know, gay." Sero said.

Technically, I'm pan.

"I mean, he did ask me about these weird feelings he was having. Which he did end up confirming was a crush once I mentioned it."

And here's where I die.

"Oooo! Maybe that was him trying to confess but being too nervous!" Hagakure said.

"Or, maybe the dude never thinks of anything other than training and just realized what romantic feelings are?"

Jeez, Sero, thanks for the confidence. I mean true, but still!

Mina glared at him. "Are you trying to make her sad?"

"No! I'm just saying, I doubt he'd ask the person he had 'weird feelings' around, what the weird feelings were!"

"And this is why you're single."

"Because I'm right?!"

"Because you're too blunt!"

"...I bet Iida would like blunt." Sero mumbled quietly as he left the conversation, only being heard by Midoriya.

Somehow, I can see it.

"Ok then, bets on Bakugou?" Uraraka asked.

"Oh, he's definitely gay." Mina said.

"He'd look cute with Kirishima!" Hagakure exclaimed.

"Or Kirishima would look cute with me." Mina said.

"Ok, I don't know who to ship him with then. I'd say Todoroki, but I don't think he's gay and I'm pretty sure Bakugou would rather kill him."

"He might just be feral enough for Monoma." Uraraka suggested.

Ok, I'm done. Midoriya took his, and Bakugou's, breakfast and snuck by the girls, going back upstairs to their room.

"No... he'd... -ill Monoma..." was the last thing he heard as he left. Yeah. No shit.

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