Welp, he's pissed

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Bakugou was not happy. Here he was, all comfortable and warm when he went to bed, but cold when he woke up. Where was Izuku? His darling little boyfriend had left him and it wasn't even time to leave for school yet. He was about to grab his phone and call Midoriya, when his door opened, the smell of eggs and bacon wafting in.


"Hey Kacchan," Midoriya shut the door behind him, setting the food on the bed. "I made breakfast."

Bakugou smiled. "Thanks nerd."

"No problem. And you'll never guess what I heard this morning."

Bakugou's eyebrows raised. "Eavesdropping?"

"It was a little hard not to, they were being pretty loud. Anyway, apparently some of our classmates enjoy gossiping about who would look good together."

"...I don't even want to know do I?"

"Well, would you rather here that Uraraka apparently likes me, Hakagure thinks you would look good with Kirishima, Mina likes Kirishima, they all agreed you'd kill Todoroki before dating him, or that apparently, the only boy in this school who'd date you, because you are most certainly gay, is Monoma, because he's the only one feral enough to?"


"...yes." Midoriya began to laugh at the look on Bakugou's face. "I was pretty annoyed that they were, ya know, shipping my boyfriend with a rat, but I figured it'd be worth it not to say anything when we finally announce our relationship later."

"Imma kill them. Imma fucking kill them."

"...aren't we sparring in training today?"

A wicked grin spread across Bakugou's face. "Why yes. Yes we fucking are."

Mina and Uraraka were dying. Somehow, they managed to get themselves paired against Bakugou and Kirishima in today's sparring match and Bakugou was out for blood. Even Kirishima seemed surprised at how hard he was going.

"At this rate," Uraraka said, trying to catch her breath, "we might just pass out from lack of oxygen from running so much."

"Why," Mina asked, "is he... going... so hard today?"

"I don't know... but I don't think I can take much more of this."


Uraraka and Mina whipped around, only to find themselves already flying back from one of Bakugou's explosions. Mina felt her hands being pulled behind her back and quirk cancelling cuffs being snapped around her wrists. A quick glance at Uraraka showed Bakugou doing the same thing to her.

"Sorry Mina." Kirishima whispered in her ear. "I'm not sure why he's so pumped up today."

Mina didn't answer, opting to catch her breath as she and Uraraka were dragged out of the sparring arena by Kirishima and Bakugou.

A few of their classmates looked extremely concerned as they exited the field, a couple like Ojirou and Koda stepped back a bit. Midoriya looked like he was debating something in his head—maybe whether to step in or not? Either way, he didn't. Aizawa looked a bit concerned as well, but only motioned for the next two groups to start.

"Um, Mr. Aizawa, are you going to take the cuffs off of us?" Uraraka asked.

"Not yet. After the first round of sparring matches, we are trying something new. So we're leaving them on for now. Bakugou, Kirishima, help them sit down on the bench over there."

Uraraka and Mina glanced at each other as they were sat on the bench. What is going on? They both thought. A new exercise of some sort?

After each sparring match, the losing duo was sat down next to them, cuffs left on, only increasing their curiosity. Mina didn't like the glances Bakugou kept giving her, he seemed really pissed off for some reason.

It turned out, Aizawa's new exercise was hostage escapage. Mina didn't think escapage was a word, but she went with it. Especially because it meant that, although this week she'd be one of the hostages who had to escape, next week it'd be whoever wasn't a hostage this time, which included Bakugou. And as her and the other hostages were dragged to their spot, she couldn't wait for next week.

Bakugou was smiling. And it was freaking Kirishima out. It wasn't a nice smile (though sometimes he doubted Bakugou had one of those), but it was a really really pissed off smile. Like he was actually going to kill someone this time. And for some reason, it seemed to be directed at Mina, Uraraka, and from the unusual glares at Hagakure, Hagakure. Which was weird. Because Bakugou doesn't even talk to her. Yet, somehow, she managed to get on his shit list. Kirishima really hoped Bakugou calmed down at some point.

Bakugou smiled the entire time they were supposed to keep Uraraka and Mina from escaping. He was a tad scared. Mina had almost gotten her cuffs off using some sort of bobby pin she found, until Bakugou caught her. His gaze never left the two, glaring at them endlessly to the point where Kirishima was doing almost everything to try and distract him. Which is why, when the timer went off, he was very, very happy to pull a pissed off Bakugou away from Uraraka and Mina. He was also very happy that Bakugou gave little resistance, seemingly satisfied.

Sero, Kirishima, Kaminari, and Mina were dying. Everytime they hung out with Bakugou, he glared at Mina. And none of them knew why. He glared during class, while he helped them study, even though he'd basically ignored all of Mina's questions, even through dinner. Mina felt like she was going to cry. She had no idea why Bakugou seemed so mad at her, but it seemed like a little more than his usual pissed off state.

Which is why she was a bit freaked out when Bakugou pulled her, Uraraka, and Hagakure into a different room than everyone else after dinner.

He glared at the for another minute before saying, "next time you have a fucking 'shipping party,' don't mention me. And never ever fucking mention pairing me with Monoma. That fucking rat attacked me and Deku, so if you think it's funny to even joke about, than you," he said, looking at Mina, "have no place in the Bakusquad. And you," he looked at Uraraka, "have no place in the fucking dekusquad. And in case you forgot, I'm dating fucking Amanda. So shut up about my fucking love life."

All three of them froze. Oh shit.

"You heard that?" Mina asked.

"No. But I heard about it and I'm fucking pissed."

"Damn it Sero." Mina muttered under her breath.


Mina looked at him confused. "Sero didn't mention it?"

"No. I think tape-arms is actually a bit smarter than you when it comes to that."

"..." Mina looked at him, "sorry Bakugou."

Bakugou stared at her. "Just don't fucking do it again." With that, Bakugou turned and left the three standing there, wondering who the hell heard them and decided to tell Bakugou, and regretting the decision to ever think of shipping Bakugou with someone.

Lol, I realized that I forgot about Amanda last chapter😅 So this is my rough plot fix 😂 Also, two chapters in two days!!!!

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