Kaminari wants to Cry

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Kaminari wanted to cry. His day had been going wonderfully. Shinsou joined class 1-A. He sat with the bakusquad at lunch, even though he did say he was going to switch back and forth between the bakusquad and dekusquad. And Kaminari got a test grade back that was actually an A. His first A! He almost kissed Shinsou, he was so happy. Almost. It was tempting. Not that Kaminari thought Shinsou was hot or anything. Nope. Nope. Not. At. All.

    He was even excited to meet with Aizawa Sensei to figure out a schedule for hero duo training. He was never excited to meet with Aizawa Sensei! Usually because meeting Aizawa Sensei meant detention.

It was just such a nice day.

    Until Bakugou and Midoriya walked into Aizawa's office talking and laughing.


Bakugou laughing with Midoriya.

 Because they were going to be a hero duo. 

The two most volatile students in his class were going to be a hero duo. 

How'd they even get close enough to decide on this?! There was no way. He had to have fried his brain. But the look on Shinsou's face, the most expressive look he's ever seen on the insomniac was enough to convince him that he had not fried his brain. Bakugou and Midoriya were going to be a hero duo.

    Kaminari was silent walking out of Aizawa's office. He barely remembered the training times they had set. He had too many questions running through his head.

    "Kaminari? Are you good?" Shinsou asked.

    "Bakugou and Midoriya are going to be a hero duo."

    "Yeah... but you look like you just ate one of Sero's brownies. I get the hero duo thing was a shock, but it can't be that big of a surprise."

    "I've never seen Bakugou laugh," Kaminari felt like he was floating. "I can't remember a time he was nice to anyone, let alone Mido. I never thought he'd agree to be in a hero duo."

    "What are you talking about? Those two are together all the time."


    "Yeah. Every Tuesday and Thursday, without fail, they've been going to a little café opposite of where I work. They've been doing it for weeks now."

    Kaminari gapped at Shinsou. "They've WHAT?"

    "You didn't know?"

    "No! But I guess things have been less tense and destructive between those two ever since that one detention where Kirishima sent Mido to study with Bakuhoe in our place. He wanted them to stop fighting so much and get closer. But I didn't think it'd work that well."

    "Ya know, I thought Bakugou was bad when I first came to your class. I can't even imagine what he was like before befriending Midoriya."

    "Yeah. And to think, Bakugou is dating someone."

    "Pfft- what girl would date him?"

    "Apparently it's a dude."

    "... Bakugou is gay?"

    "Yup! I'm pretty sure all of class 1-A is!"

    "Kami, if Bakugou is dating someone and he's been hanging out at a café with Midoriya, don't you think we should consider the possibility of Bakugou and Midoriya dating?"

    "What? No way! They might be getting along better, but there's no way they'd be dating!"

    Shinsou shot him a look. "You also didn't think they'd be a hero duo."

    "Nope. Still no. They are NOT dating."

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