Valentine's day special: part 1

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Kaminari was chasing a cat. Not just any cat, but the little grey kitten he had gotten for Shinsou. For Valentine's day. Which was today. And Shinsou was going to be here any minute. And this kitten wouldn't stop running so Kaminari could put a little bow on his collar.

"Caughtcha!" Kaminari said as he scooped up the little kitten, finally sticking the little bow to his collar.

"I hope Shinsou likes you." He gave the kitten a little scratch behind the ears, earning a little purr.

He walked over to where Kaminari had put a box of chocolates and a blanket, sticking the little kitten in a box (with holes).

"Don't worry. Shinsou will be here any minute and then you can come out."

Kaminari smiled as he heard a knock at the door. "Speak of the insomniac and he will come."

He opened up the door to see Shinsou, holding a teddy bear and some chocolates. He was even sporting a little blush that Kaminari couldn't help but find absolutely adorable.

"These are for you." Shinsou said, handing Kaminari the bear and chocolates as he stepped into the room.

Kaminari flashed Shinsou a smile. "Thank you! I love them!"

He set them down on the bed as Shinsou closed the door.

"Okay," Kaminari handed Shinsou the box, "open it!"

Shinsou smiled at seeing his boyfriend all hyper excited about whatever was in the box. Shinsou opened the lid, not expecting to see a kitten pop up and lick his nose. Shinsou smiled.

"You got me a kitten?"


Shinsou carefully set the box down while picking up the kitten to hold. "Thank you."

"Anything for you!" Kaminari said, winking at him.

Shinsou rolled his eyes, giving Kaminari a quick kiss that had him turning red. "Happy Valentine's day."

All Valentine's day specials are separate from the actually story. For reasons seen in coming parts. They are all also very short.

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