Dinner and Death

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When Todoroki and Kirishima arrived at dinner, they found all of the seats filled— except for the two between Bakugou and Midoriya. They snuck a quick glance at each other, trying not to catch the other's eye, before sitting down, Kirishima by Bakugou and Todoroki by Midoriya. Bakugou's frown seemed to deepen when he saw how stiff Kirishima was. Kirishima was never stiff. Mostly because he was never nervous, not around Bakugou at least.

"What the fuck's wrong with you?" Bakugou said, staring Kirishima down.

"What, uh, nothing. I'm just a bit nervous about math. Yeah, math."

Bakugou's eyes narrowed. Lie. That was totally a fucking lie. "You need me to tutor you more or something?"

"Uh, no, it's good. I wouldn't want to bother you at all. I found some youtube videos I can watch and yeah. Youtube videos... math... yep!"

"Kiri, you good there?" Mina called across the table, "you seem a bit nervous."

"No, no! I'm fine! I just had a couple brownies earlier and I think that's the most sugar I've had in a while. I don't eat that much sugar a lot, so I guess I'm just a little hyper active."

"Uh huh..." Mina stared at him, "okay."

Kirishima sighed with relief. He totally got away with that.

Meanwhile, Todoroki was acutely aware of the presence of a living rock next to him. A really cute rock. With spiky red hair and a smile that could rival Midoriya's.

"You good Todoroki?" Midoriya asked. "You look stiffer than normal."

"Yeah I'm fine. Just had to think of my sperm donor this afternoon."

"Oof. Did you know that combining your flames with Endeavwhore's flames, very subtly, but with a lot of heat, will cause him to over heat? Overheating can cause dizziness, fatigue, fainting, and can take anywhere from 24-48 hours to recover from."

"Can someone die from overheating?"

"I think so, but I couldn't find any specifics."

"Hmmm. And how would I integrate my fire into his subtly enough to cause overheating?"

"Well, I have some ideas, but it'd probably better to try them out than just talk about them. They're a bit hard to explain."

"Midoriya! Todoroki! Stop talking about killing Endeavor! There will be no murdering a pro hero!"

"...but Iida-"

"No Midoriya!"

"...my sperm donor bashed Ingenium."

"...no killing... mauling however..."

Todoroki and Midoriya smiled at each other.

After dinner, Todoroki snuck away first, claiming he needed to do some research on heat exhaustion. Kirishima snuck away a little after, ready to "watch his math youtube videos, yeah." It wasn't hard for them to sneak back into Todoroki's dorm.

"Now are we ready to do math. Without, getting distracted. Right, Kiri?"

Kirishima froze for a second, "yep! All ready for math! Ummm, where were we again?"

Todoroki rolled his eyes, but smiled a soft smile. It was too bad Kirishima missed it as he pulled a pencil out of his bag.

"Statistics. Confidence intervals."

Kirishima blinked at him. "We're doing... what?"

"Confidence intervals."

"...are you sure we learned that?"

"Yes. We talked about it yesterday."

"No, yesterday, we talked about how likely it is that there's an error with the math."

"Yes... and the confidence interval helps with that."

"Are you sure that's what it was called?"

"Yes. Want to start now."

Kirishima rubbed the back of his head. "Sure."

Kirishima leaned back in his seat and yawned. "How long have we been working?"

"Well, math only took 2 hours and then we used another 3 for the rest of our homework... so..." Todoroki turned to his clock, "it is 12:32."

Kirishima's jaw dropped. "We've been working on homework for 5 hours?! Even Bakubro doesn't study that long!"

"I apologize, we could have stopped sooner."

"No! Seriously, don't worry about it Todo! This was really helpful, thank you!"

"Of course. I find our study sessions to be quite helpful as well. And more fun."

Kirishima smiled. "Sweet!"

Todoroki smiled softly as Kirishima yawned again, his eyes drooping. "Perhaps, it is time we go to bed?"

"Sounds-" Kirishima yawned "-good."

"Do you want to sleep here tonight? There's enough space on my bed for the two of us and I think you might be too tired to walk back to your dorm."

"Are you sure dude? I think-" he yawned again, "-I can make it back."

Todoroki stood up and walked over to his dresser, pulling out two sets of pajamas.

"I think it'd be easier if we both stayed here."

"Okay then."

Kirishima and Todoroki flopped into bed, Todoroki pulling the covers over both of them. He smiled softly down at Kirishima, who had fallen asleep as soon as his head hit the pillow.

"Good night, Kiri."

I'm alive! Wrist surgery went well. And the good news is that it's healing well. I don't have full movement back but I can write! (Thank goodness, I'm a creative writing major. I have like 3 english classes this semester and an async bio course (don't we love gen eds) that requires a lot of writing.) Thank you all for being so patient! I'm also very glad this chapter is done, I've known what it was going to be for like 4 weeks, but didn't have time to write it for the first two and didn't have the ability for the last two. So please enjoy the kiritodo fluff. I'm not certain how fast updates will come, but I'm going to aim for at least once a week :)

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