Midoriya isn't a Morning Person

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Bakugou was warm. He was always warm, a side effect of his quirk, but this was a different type of warmth. He blinked his eyes open, reaching over to turn off his alarm, and looked down at his chest. There was Midoriya, still asleep, cuddled into his chest. A blush found its way to his cheeks. Midoriya was cute when he was asleep, his hair looking just as messy as always, Bakugou doubted that the nerd even bothered brushing it most mornings. He snickered. He doubted there was anyway to tame that hair.

Bakugou sat up and looked at the clock. 6am. A good time to wake up in order to cook breakfast and get out of the dorms before any other extras were awake. He looked down at Midoriya and brushed his hair back. He sighed, removing his hands from the curly green hair and shook him.

"Nerd. Wake up." Still Midoriya didn't stir. "Deku. Nerd. Izuku."

Midoriya rubbed his eyes and sat up. "Kacchan? What time is it?"

"It's 6. Come on. We got to make breakfast and get out of the dorms before any of the extras bother us"

Midoriya yawned and stretched, swinging his legs over the side of the bed and standing up. "Okay Kacchan. I'll get ready for the day. You want the bathroom first?"

"Nah. You go first. I don't trust that you won't fall back asleep while I'm in there."

"Ok Kacchan."

Bakugou watched as Midoriya grabbed his clothes and toothbrush and walked into the bathroom. He sighed, getting up and getting out his own school uniform, buttoning his jacket right as Midoriya walked out of the bathroom. He looked over and snickered.

"Damn nerd. Now I know why your tie is never done correctly. You're too tired to do it right. Guess you aren't a morning person."

Midoriya just yawned. "Not really."

Bakugou chuckled and walked over to Midoriya. "Stay still." Carefully, he undid the tie, redoing it so it laid flat on his uniform and didn't look like a three year old did it.

"There." Bakugou shook his head. "I think this is the first time you've ever worn your tie right."

"You don't even wear yours."

"Damn right I don't. Now give me a second to brush my teeth and we'll go make breakfast." Bakugou walked to the bathroom, pausing on the threshold to look at Midoriya. "Don't go back to sleep."

So here Bakugou was, making breakfast for himself and the nerd, trying not to laugh as Izuku's face hit the table. He smiled to himself. He was surprisingly calm, and that was not something he could say often. Usually he was more agitated than this. He shook his head. What is that nerd doing to me? But as much as Bakugou shook his head, he couldn't deny that he didn't enjoy this newfound calm. Not that he would ever admit that outloud. Not in a million years.

"Kacchan! This is amazing!" Midoriya was currently stuffing his face with the breakfast Bakugou made: pancakes and eggs, with some hash browns.

"Glad you like it, nerd."

Midoriya smiled at him. "I'll do the dishes!"

Bakugou watched Midoriya as he hummed and put the dishes in the sink, turning on the water to wash them. He got up, walking to stand next to Midoriya.

"You wash, I'll dry."

"Okay Kacchan!"

Bakugou couldn't remember the last time he had fun with a task as menial as washing the dishes. Deku had flicked some water at him, causing Bakugou to swipe his hand under the faucet to splash him back. They didn't get too wet though, just a few droplets here or there. They didn't want to have to change their uniforms.

Midoriya and Bakugou ended up chatting as they walked to class, neither one of them paying much attention to anyone around them. And most of the teachers they passed were very shocked to say the least. Present Mic's mouth had dropped open, and only Midnight sticking her hand over his mouth kept him from screaming.

"Kacchan! It's only 7:15! Class doesn't start until 7:45! Do you get here this early everyday?"

"Of course, nerd. It's the only way to avoid those extras in the morning." 

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