The Dominating Duo

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"Come at me, Kacchan!"

Midoriya and Bakugou had been training for about an hour now. And Aizawa had to admit, he was impressed. He thought this was going to be a trainwreck, but within one hour Midoriya had managed to get it through Bakugou's thick skull that he can't start every fight with a right hook, and Bakugou had already helped Midoriya perfect his technique.

They balanced each other out well. Midoriya's strategies were pristine, as was Bakugou's technique. And when putting those two together, they created a storm of power. Aizawa doubted that even All Might would be able to beat them if they worked together, even if he had been at 100%.

But it was the rate of improvement that really impressed him. Those two knew how the other thought and how they moved. They knew their strengths and weaknesses like the back of their hands. And they trained to those. Aizawa didn't even need to give any tips, they were already figuring it out on their own. And if they kept it up at this rate, they would dominate the class soon.

Aizawa wondered if they would ever become a hero duo. It was possible, in fact, he would be telling people of the opportunity in a week or two. There were forms to fill out, and extra training time, but Aizawa had no doubts they could do it. Not after what he was seeing today.

"Bakugou, Midoriya, come here for a second."

Both boys walked over, chatting about strategy and technique as they did.

"Have you two ever thought of becoming a hero duo?"

Both boys froze.

"What?" Midoriya asked.

"In a couple of weeks I'll be bringing it up to the class, but after what I've seen today, I wanted you two to start thinking about it. There is extra training for it and a few forms, but you two could decide to be a hero duo. Considering how well you work together, I would suggest thinking about it."

Midoriya and Bakugou glanced at each other.

"I'll let you two think about it. Go rest."

Midoriya and Bakugou walked back to the dorms in silence. Neither of them was sure what to say. They had showered at the gym, and were planning to study, but the suggestion of being a hero duo kepting playing in the back of their minds.

Midoriya pulled Bakugou out of his thoughts. "Come on." He grabbed Bakugou's hand and pulled him away from campus and down the street.

"Where are we going, nerd?"

"Back to the cafe. We both know there is no way we'll be able to study without talking about what Aizawa just said. Plus, we need food. We just trained for an hour and a half and I'm hungry. So let's get some spicy curry and Katsudon and talk about the hero duo thing."

"Okay nerd."

They made it to the cafe, sitting quietly until their food arrived, neither quite knowing what to say.

"Okay, nerd," Bakugou broke the silence, "what do you think?"

Midoriya didn't look at him, playing with his Katsudon. "We used to want to when we were children." he said quietly.

Bakugou's eyebrows rose. That was right. They did want to be a hero duo when they were kids.

"The wonder duo." Bakugou said.

Midoriya's head snapped up, his eyes wide. "You remember?"

"Yeah I remember, nerd." he rolled his eyes, "that was our dream. We were going to be the best hero duo in the world."

Midoriya giggled, just a bit. "You know, we do work well together. Aizawa said it himself. When we work together, not only do our grades improve, but Kacchan, I know we both improved more in an hour and a half training session than we have ever improved in class."

Bakugou nodded, "It was nice, training with someone who's strategy and technique I know inside and out and knows my strategy and technique inside and out."

"And quirks. We know each other's quirks really well."

"That too."

"So... Do you want to be a hero duo?" Midoriya asked shyly.

Bakugou gave him a little smile. "Yeah nerd. I think I would."

And so they became a hero duo. Or a hero duo in training at least. And no one but Aizawa knew. 

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