Love Triangles are really love Vs'

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Midoriya groaned as he woke up. The room was generally dark, a bit of light shining in from between the curtains, with the movie set up from yesterday still in place. He must've fallen asleep before he could clean it up. It was then that Midoriya realized that Bakugou wasn't in bed.


No response. Midoriya was surprised Bakugou didn't wake him up. Especially if they were going to school today. He looked at the time: 8:45. Shit! I'm late! Midoriya made a mental note to ask Bakugou why he went to school without waking him up later. But right now, he rushed to get his uniform on, he usually left one in Bakugou's room in case he decided to stay the night and cuddle. Midoriya had his uniform half on, the tie really just looked like a mangled bow and he had somehow managed to put his jacket on upside down and was struggling to figure out how he got it that way, when Bakugou walked through the door, holding two plates piled with pancakes, sausage, hash browns, and eggs.

"...What the fuck are you doing nerd?"

"Kacchan!" Midoriya whipped around. "I thought you went to school without waking me up and that I was really late!"

"Aizawa said we could have two days off if we so choose. And I choose two days off. I really don't feel like hearing those idiots voices today."

"Oh, yeah. And Kacchan, those 'idiots' are your friends! You should be overjoyed to hear them speak!"

"I'll be overjoyed to hear them speak when Dunce Face figures out how to stop suggesting ideas like swimming in a frozen lake."

"He suggested you guys what?"

"He wanted me to blow up the ice on a frozen lake so we could swim in it."

"Uh, well, maybe he just wants to test out some sort of heating device Hatsume made?"

Bakugou gave Midoriya a look.

"Or not. Um, is that breakfast?"

"Yeah. We can eat as we continue our shark marathon."

"Heck yeah! Oooo and maybe we can talk some strategy later!"

"Hell yes! Now come eat!"

Kirishima was flustered. Todoroki had come to his room to help him study last night, it was helpful, but then he fell asleep. He fell asleep on Todoroki. He fell asleep on Todoroki. ON TODOROKI. His head had ended up on Todoroki's shoulder and Todoroki, being who he is, didn't move them into a better position, but sat like that all night long. So instead, Kirishima woke up with his head right next to Todoroki's face. And Todoroki had been awake. Awake and playing on his phone until Kirishima woke up. Kirishima was sure his face must have matched his hair. And when he asked Todoroki why he didn't move or wake him up, all Todoroki said was: "You looked like you could use the sleep and I didn't want to wake you up."

Kirishima felt so bad for falling asleep on him, apologized so many times, but Todoroki just brushed him off and asked if he wanted to study again this evening. Kirishima just couldn't believe he managed to say yes.

Kirishima groaned. Why did boys have to be so cute? Why did boys in his class have to be so cute? Why did Todoroki have to be so cute?

Mina put her hand on his shoulder, startling him.

"Whoah, what's up with you?" She asked.

"Oh, nothing. Just read a spooky story this morning."

"Really? One spooky story and you're all jumpy? Hmm. Okay. By the way, Kaminari and Sero are busy later and Bakugou is still MIA so I was wondering if you wanted to go to the arcade?"

"Oh, sorry Mina, but I promised Todoroki I would study with him this afternoon."

She frowned. "You and Todoroki study together?"

"Yeah, I couldn't find Bakugou to train with one day and asked him instead. We ended up being really good training and study buddies."

"Cool. Maybe we could do the arcade tomorrow instead?"


"Okay! I'll see you tomorrow after school then!" Mina called as she skipped away.

"Yup." Kirishima's thoughts were already back on the events of this morning as he waved to Mina.

Hey guys, I'm so sorry I'm late on posting. I've been in a car for between 3-6 hours for the past 5 days and I've been trying to get homework done between that. My school has a 'wellness day' (basically the first in a series of random days off to make up for not having a spring break) this Thursday, so I'm hoping to get ahead on homework and get some chapters done at the same time. Thank you guys for being so great about chapters being posted later!

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