Hero Duos

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Aizawa was surprised. He knew about Bakugou and Midoriya being a hero duo, however, he wasn't expecting Kaminari to pair up with Shinsou of all people. Shinsou was moving up to class 1-A tomorrow, Mineta having been expelled a day or two ago (thank goodness). But he wasn't expecting the insomniac to decide to become a duo with the potentially loudest kid in 1-A (Aizawa still couldn't decide if he beat out Bakugou for that title). And before he even started class.

Though now that Aizawa thought of it, Kaminari's grades had been going up lately. He thought the kid might have finally figured out what he was supposed to be doing. But Aizawa was now thinking Shinsou might have had a hand in his improvement. They'd be an unexpected pair, but Aizawa supposed they might be able to make it work. With a lot of training. But then again, no villain would think an electricity type would duo with a mind type.

Aizawa almost laughed when he saw the names each duo picked. Kaminari and Shinsou had picked "The Purple Flashes," an awkward name, though he supposed they would have time to change it before they got a chance to go out in the field as a duo. But Bakugou and Midoriya, it was their duo name that made Aizawa spit out his coffee. "The Wonder Duo." How they came up with that name was beyond Aizawa. He couldn't even imagine Bakugou agreeing to the name. It sounded like a hero duo name a child would come up with. But it was better than "The Purple Flashes."

The paperwork wasn't hard. All he had to do was sign off on the duo and send it to Nezu. But Aizawa never did that. Each year he waited. He gave the kids the option and made them turn in the forms a few months before the forms were due in the office. If the duo changed their minds by then, he didn't have extra paperwork to fill out. If they didn't, all he had to do was open the file with the forms and send them off. "Work smarter, not harder" was Aizawa's motto in life.

Now all he had to do was schedule Kaminari and Shinsou's duo training. He already had Bakugou and Midoriya every Tuesday, though he supposed now that they filled out the form they should schedule another day of extra training. He would deal with that next class.

Shinsou didn't usually find himself in situations like this. Okay, he never found himself in situations like this. Kaminari, one of the loudest people in class 1-A, not only wanted to study with him, but be in a hero duo with him. He would admit, he didn't know if their quirks were really fitting to be in a duo together, but Kaminari was persistent and, as much as Shinsou hated to admit it, convincing.

Said blonde was currently walking, or rather skipping, next to him, excitedly chattering about how cool they were going to be as a hero duo. It was kinda cute- not that Shinsou thought Kaminari was cute. Not at all. His smile was just a bit addicting, and his excessive talking was kinda nice (it made up for the usual silence Shinsou experienced), and when he used his quirk a ring of electricity would light up his eyes. Nope. Not into Kaminari Denki. Not at all.

"-sou. Shinsou. Are you listening to me?"

"Hmm? Sorry, I was just thinking."

"About moving up to class 1-A? Or about our amazing hero duo? Or maybe a girl? Actually, I don't think I've ever heard you mention a girl before."

"That'd be because I'm gay. And I was thinking about how loud your class is going to be. I'm gonna have consistent headaches for the rest of high school."

"No you won't! And it's our class, not just mine! Wait. Did you say you're gay? I'm bi! I'm actually pretty sure most of 1-A is queer."

Shinsou raised his eyebrows. "You're bi?"

"Yup! I actually lean towards guys too. Everyone just expects me to be girl crazy and I really just flirt with everyone, even people I'm not into, so people generally assume I'm straight."

Shinsou gave him a long look. Kaminari was still skipping, but his expression wasn't as bright as before. I guess I'm not the only person people stick into a box.

"I figured out I was gay when I was 10. Parents gave me up the next day."

Kaminari stopped. "What?"

Shinsou looked at him. "My parents already hated my quirk, being gay was just the last straw."

Kaminari furrowed his eyebrows and frowned. "Why would they hate your quirk? It's perfect for hero work! All you have to do is get a villain to answer one question and you can make them automatically surrender. And what's wrong with being gay?"

"...you think my quirk is perfect for hero work?"

"I mean yeah! Especially in hostage situations. Ask the kidnappers what they want and boom! They're under your control to let all the hostages go!"

"No ones' ever thought my quirk was made for hero work. Everyone said it was villainous."

"Well I don't! And I know Midoriya doesn't! He's been asking you tons of questions on it hasn't he? I bet he even had you use it on him to test if there was a way to break out of it without breaking a finger!"

Shinsou chuckled. "You're not wrong there."

They resumed walking, quietly this time, both lost in their respective thoughts.

"Hey Kaminari."



Kaminari smiled.

I'm not sure how I got into Shinsou and Kaminari but I figured it was a nice side part. Also. uh, hi! I feel like this book is suddenly flooded with readers lol. I appreciate all the support! Thank you all for reading!!! Enjoy!

Kirishima sets the Wonder Duo in Motionजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें