Detective Todoroki

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"Bakubro!" Kirishima hooked his arm around Bakugou after entering the classroom, "where were you last night? I couldn't find you anywhere!"

    "Get off of me Shitty Hair," he pushed his arm off, "I beat some extras in carnival games and went back to the dorms early."

    "Awww. Why?"

    "I was bored. The festival was fucking stupid. Now leave me alone!" Bakugou crackled some explosions in his hands.

    Kirishima backed away with his hands up. "Aw come on bro! No need for fireworks."

    "Sit down," Aizawa walked into the classroom, "you had your fun yesterday. Now it's back to studying."

    Kirishima walked back to his desk, Bakugou rolling his eyes. Midoriya stifled a chuckle. Little did Kirishima know what really happened at the festival. He wondered if they were telling people they were dating. They hadn't really talked about it. Midoriya wouldn't mind, but then again, he didn't really want people in his business and he knew Kacchan wouldn't either. He brushed it off as a question for another time.

    Midoriya's own friends had questioned him about last night, seeing as they couldn't find him the entire night. He brushed it off as having gotten lost. Supposedly, he had ended up at a cat café a block away, making it back right before the fireworks. His friends had laughed, Uraraka saying how they should get him a leash.

    Todoroki wouldn't call himself a conspiracy theorist. He was not one of those alien obsessed people with bunkers. He was a detective. A detective with real theories. Like All Might being Midoriya's father. He didn't say biological, though it wouldn't surprise him, but All Might was at least his adopted father. Just like how Aizawa was totally Shinsou's father. Adoptive or not.

    He also prided himself on knowing his friends. Sure, he may look monotone and unfriendly, but he cares a lot about his friends. He knows their birthdays, their favorite foods, and he also knows one thing: Izuku Midoriya never gets lost.

    He found this out after a jogging expedition that went awry. Midoriya and him had ended up in this sketchy, Nezu forsaken part of town. Neither of them really knew where they were at, but Midoriya led them home. He marked every turn they had made, along with the mileage between those turns (like how?), and retraced their steps backwards. So when Midoriya said he got lost, Todoroki knew he was lying. But why in the world would Midoriya lie?

    Todoroki was suspicious. So it wasn't long before he started subtly staring at Midoriya during class, trying to figure out why he was lying. However, Bakugou sat right in front of Midoriya, something Todoroki despised as it really should've been him in front of Midoriya. Todoroki wouldn't explode him. So it wasn't hard for him to hear Kirishima as class was dismissed. He really just wanted to talk to Midoriya, but when he heard Kirishima ask Bakugou why he didn't see him around at the festival, again considering Bakugou's explosive response, Todoroki was even more suspicious. If Midoriya and Bakugou couldn't be found by anyone else, was it possible they were together?


    Bakugou and Midoriya don't get along. It had to be a coincidence. Which is why Todoroki still needed to get to the bottom of Midoriya's disappearance at the festival.

Hey guys! Thank you for reading! I hope everyone is enjoying the story so far! And if anyone has exams this months (same) good luck!

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