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Before you begin reading, I want to say thank you guys for all of your support! Everyone has been really really sweet in the comment section!

"Kacchan!" Midoriya called, running up behind Bakugou with a notebook in his hands.

"Hey nerd." Bakugou gave him a quick kiss on the forehead.

"Ok, so I was looking at the end of year hero duo exams and I think we can start strategizing. So every year they tend to mix up which heroes the hero duos go against, usually the hero duo against 3-4 pro heroes. I've gone back through the records of the exams for the past ten years and I've noticed there are a few pro heroes that tend to be opponents more often than others. Death Arms, Rock Lock, Cementos, Ectoplasm, Thirteen, Gang Orca, and Fat Gum. However, in more recent years, Hawks, Kamui Woods and Mirkio have been a general choice as well. I also noticed that new heroes generally participate at least once within their first three years as a hero, with the general consensus being their first year, so Mt. Lady will probably make an appearance. Crimson Riot doesn't usually show up, but he has made an appearance or two, and with the amount of media coverage on this class, he might just show up."

Bakugou stared at him, nodding along as he tried to process all the information his boyfriend had just dumped on him.

"Taking in account the media coverage surrounding our class and how much attention we've got, I'd bet there are gonna be a lot of heroes volunteering to be a part of the exam. Now, class 1-A has two hero duos, and we don't know how many class 1-B has, so if we assume they have two as well, then the exams will need between 12 and 16 heroes. All the heroes I've named aren't all the heroes that have participated of course. Our teachers have been in their fair share of exams too. Which means we should add Present Mic, Midnight, Vlad King, Mr. Aizawa, and potentially even Principal Nezu to our list. And maybe Endeavwhore."

Bakugou nodded. "And they'll definitely group together heroes whose quirks work well together. Like Cementos and Rock Lock. So we'll need to go through all potential pairings of heroes whose quirks work well together or have a history of working well together. And we should probably take into account any hero groups. They could throw one in for a challenge."

"It'll definitely take a few months to work out all the possible groupings and ways to fight each group." Midoriya hummed. "I doubt it'd even be possible to do before the end of the year. We should probably figure out the most likely and work on developing a range of different strategies. Or even one strategy for each pro hero. Strategies that can be altered or combined for pro heroes working together."

Bakugou smirked." Personally, I hope we get Icy Hot's father. I've heard him talk about the bastard. It's about time someone takes him down."

"If we get Endeavwhore, we take out his team and then him. And I get the final hit."

Bakugou couldn't help but grin. "Deal."

Personal life tea if anyone is interested:

Ok so, Wattpad totally didn't stop working for me for a good half hour and didn't make me think I wasn't gonna be able to update. It turns out that all problems I have (literally with anything) seemed to be fixed by resetting my Chrome settings? Accents I need for French stop working; reset Chrome settings. Can't get Wattpad to let me do more than log in; reset Chrome settings. But I guess if it works it works. Also, colleges apparently like to give little warning of new requirements to return to campus. "Must have a negative covid test taken within 7 days before arrival on campus and uploaded 2 days before arrival on campus" I was lucky it only took two days to get my results in. 

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