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Midoriya felt relaxed. He and Bakugou had hung out all weekend, and he was still overjoyed from their date. Their date. He couldn't believe they had actually gone out on a date! And he didn't even have to worry about school work. He and Bakugou studied so much that he didn't need to worry about it over the weekend.

Which is why when Mr. Aizawa gave them a pop quiz, he was still relaxed. He studied this material weeks ago, with a few small reviews to make sure he retained the information since then. He even knew the extra credit question. Something that they would be learning in their next unit. A unit he and Bakugou had already studied. There was no stress. And for once in his life, (although he had begun to notice this was a recent norm), he had no anxiety.

In front of Midoriya, Bakugou also felt relaxed. He hadn't chased Kaminari and Kirishima around the dorms for doing something stupid, yelling "DIE!" or "SHUT IT DUNCE FACE." He wasn't stressed by the bakusquad forgetting about some homework assignment or test and coming to him for help, whining for the next 4 hours as he tutored them.

Nope. Instead he was on a date with his boyfriend. (Boyfriend? Were they boyfriends? They hadn't really talked about it. He supposed he could bring it up on their next date.) And all it took was telling the bakusquad he was going to be at his parents and avoiding them for the entire weekend. Easier said than done. He had almost run into Kirishima or Mina a few times while cooking for his and Midoriya's rooftop dinner. And he narrowly missed being seen by Sero when he was going out with Deku for a midday coffee. The only person he didn't almost run into was Kaminari. Though he suspected that was because he was with Shinsou the entire weekend...

Shinsou was not relaxed. Today was his first day in class 1-A and he was already taking a pop quiz. He was lucky he had borrowed Midoriya's notes to look over before he transferred. (More like lucky to translate Midoriya's chicken scratch if he really thought about it.) But that didn't make this quiz easy. Easier, yes. But not easy. Especially since this was his first pop quiz in class 1-A.

Plus, there was that little problem with him and Kaminari knowing about Bakugou and Midoriya being a hero duo. He could keep a secret. But Kaminari... He was going to have to figure out a way to keep Kaminari's mouth shut. Otherwise, he didn't think they'd survive...

Midoriya was scary.

Kaminari couldn't focus. His weekend was amazing. He spent the majority of it with Shinsou. (No crush there. Not at all.) Though what he really couldn't stop thinking about was Friday afternoon. The afternoon he found out that Midoriya and Bakugou were going to be a hero duo.

He thought they had survived. Bakugou hadn't threatened him or Shinsou. They weren't mentioning it. Everything was fine...

Until Midoriya cornered him and Shinsou before dinner. And if he thought Bakugou was scary, then Midoriya was downright terrifying. He didn't realize Midoriya's smile could turn so lethal. And his threat! He basically threatened murder! Even while hanging out with Shinsou he was distracted by it! And he was with Shinsou! He was just glad it was Monday. Everything could go back to normal.


Hi, sorry for taking a while to post again. I'm running into a bit of writer's block coupled with hormones and random stress. I am however, trying to write through my writer's block so hopefully we should get this plot moving again. I might not be able to post every 2-3 days, it might be more like 4-5 now. Sorry guys. I hope everyone is still enjoying the story though! 

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