Let's get this Gay

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Tuesday and Wednesday had passed painfully slow for the two boys. Each of them wanted to tell the other how they feel. But neither of them had the courage. Studying was... a tad awkward to say the least. Even Aizawa had noticed the change in behavior at their Tuesday training session, telling the two boys that if they "didn't get their butts in gear and work through whatever issue is going on" they'd never be able to work as a hero duo.

Bakugou was frustrated to say the least. He liked Midoriya, who was also acting strange, and it was throwing the two of them out of their groove. So he did the next best thing he could think of: he moved up Midoriya's and his study snack time to the beginning of their study period on Thursday.

Midoriya had looked a bit confused, but had agreed anyway. So here they were, silently walking to their little cafe a few blocks from campus. Bakugou kept sneaking glances at Midoriya (who totally wasn't sneaking looks at Bakugou when he wasn't looking), trying to decipher what he was thinking, with no real luck.

They were quiet as their food came, spicy curry and katsudon, their usuals. Bakugou watched as Midoriya ate his katsudon, not really looking at Bakugou.

"Okay. What's up?" Bakugou broke the silence, "something has been off with us since this weekend so talk."

"I-I'm not really sure what you mean, Kacchan."

"Bullshit. But if you won't say what's bothering you then I'll tell you what's bothering me."

Midoriya looked at him.

"Izuku Midoriya, I like you. And before your dense ass asks, no, not as in a friend. And I know that after middle school you will probably never like me back, but I needed to say it. So now what's up on your side?"

Midoriya blinked a few times. Did Kacchan just say he liked me? As in wants to date me likes me? There's no way...

"Hey, nerd. What's up with you?"

The look Bakugou was giving him was full of concern, and what Midoriya could tell was fear. Bakugou was scared of being rejected, and scared to know what was wrong with Midoriya.

He said he likes me.

Midoriya's eyes began to well up with tears.

Bakugou's eyes widened as tears began to leak down Midoriya's face.

"Wait! What's wrong? If it's the confession, then you can just forget it."

Midoriya couldn't stop crying as Bakugou rushed to his side of the booth, sitting down next to him and trying to wipe away his tears.

"Izuku, what's wrong?"

"Y-you, you, you like me?" Midoriya managed out through sobs.

"Yeah, but if it's making you this upset you can forget it! I can get over it, I still want to be your hero partner!"

Midoriya clutched at Bakugou's shirt. "N-No! No! I-I-I like y-you too. I-I just didn't think you would like me too..."

Bakugou smiled. That was their issue. They both figured out they liked each other... and both of them were too awkward and emotionally constipated to deal with it. Bakugou grabbed Midoriya into a crushing hug.

"Hey, Izuku."

"Y-yeah Kacchan?" Izuku sniffled, looking up at Katsuki with red eyes.

"You want to go on a date with me this Saturday?"


And so it was set. The future Wonder Duo was going to have their first date. If only the school week could finish already.

Hi! I hope everyone is enjoying the story so far! College finals are awful, which is why I saved some drafts so I could still post. Just in case I got too busy to write, I wouldn't leave anyone hanging. If anyone has any comments, you can feel free too. Especially if there are any like grammar or spelling issues. Have a nice day!

Kirishima sets the Wonder Duo in Motionजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें