Aizawa has a Migraine

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Aizawa wasn't usually concerned. Okay, that was a lie. He was always concerned. His students were put into dangerous situations almost everyday and to add on to that, some of them weren't quite as... intelligent as others. For goodness sake, Kaminari tried to stick a fork in the toaster once just to see if it would actually electrocute him. Apparently, he thought that since he had an electricity quirk, he would be fine. Needless to day, he was not.

But usually he wasn't concerned about test scores. At least, not when they're rising. But 3 weeks after he first saw problem children 1 and 2 together, interacting normally, their test scores had gone up. And it wasn't that they were bad students. Both usually got high Bs to mid As on their tests. But now they were consistently staying in the mid A to high A range. It was getting to the point where they were beginning to beat Iida and Momo's scores. Not that he was going to tell Iida or Momo that. Not yet at least.

He knew they weren't cheating. They weren't that type of students. Neither would risk expulsion just to raise their grade by a couple of percentage points. But it was noticeable. It was also noticeable that they were getting along better. Bakugou was yelling at Midoriya less. And when they were alone, they even seemed to get along.

And it was bugging him.

So he called his two problem students down to his office after class. Because there was no way he wasn't getting an answer on what was happening with the two students who he had to break up their fights multiple times. (He wasn't traumatized from when they almost burned down the dorms and had almost managed to fight each other, while avoiding his capture weapon. Not one bit.) And when his door opened... they arrived together. Calmly. Bakugou looked generally calm. Midoriya looked concerned as heck, but Bakugou looked calm. No screaming. No glaring. He wasn't smiling, but he sure as hell didn't look angry. And that was something Aizawa had never seen before.

"Alright you two. Sit down."

Midoriya and Bakugou glanced at each other before sitting.

"Um, are we in trouble..." Midoriya asked.

"No," Aizawa sighed, "you aren't in trouble. But I do want to know what's going on between the two of you. Bakugou, you haven't been yelling at Midoriya as much, and before you say anything, it is a good thing. But it seems to have come out of nowhere. And both of your test grades have been going up. Again, a good thing, but you two are starting to beat out Iida and Momo's test scores and combined with your new behavior, I must ask: What changed?"

"We began to study together." Midoriya answered plainly.

Aizawa blinked. "That's it?"

"Yeah," Bakugou said, "that's it. I study with Shitty Hair and the others Monday and Wednesday, but I also study with the nerd Tuesday and Thursday. It turns out we study well together."

"Yup!" Midoriya added, "it's been really helpful! Kacchan and I work well together!"

Aizawa slowly nodded. "Okay. In that case you two can go. Keep up the good work."

"Thank you!" Midoriya said. Bakugou just nodded.

"Oh wait!" Midoriya said, turning around. "Would it be possible for Kacchan and I to use the training grounds on Tuesday or Thursday to do some extra training together?"

Now this Aizawa didn't expect. He didn't expect them to be studying together, but to train together, after all of their fights....

"Tuesday. 4-5:30. You can use the training grounds, but I'm supervising."

"Thank you!"

"You think we need supervising?!" Bakugou yelled. "We're at the top of our class! And Deku has much better control with his quirk than he used to!"

Did Bakugou just compliment Midoriya?

"I know. But I've broken up too many fights between the two of you. So until I trust that you won't maim each other, I'm supervising."

"Kacchan! Let it go! Besided, with Mr. Aizawa supervising, he can give us tips on our techniques and strategies while we're training!"

Bakugou stared down at Midoriya. "Yeah, yeah, nerd" And walked out the door, Midoriya following behind him.

Aizawa sat back in his chair. What did I get myself into?

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