Hide and Seek

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It wasn't hard to pull Midoriya aside at lunch, afterall it wasn't totally abnormal for the two to eat together on the roof. Sometimes they enjoyed the peace.

Todoroki studied Midoriya. He didn't look like he was hiding anything. If anything, he looked quite content, maybe even happier than normal.

"Where were you during the festival?"

Midoriya looked at him, surprised. "What do you mean? I told you guys; I just got lost."

"Midoriya. You don't get lost. So where were you?"

Midoriya looked around. "Ok fine. But you can't say anything, okay?"

Todoroki nodded his head. If Midoriya didn't want him to say anything he wouldn't, he just wanted to make sure his friend had been safe.

"I met someone at the festival. We walked around together."

Todoroki's eyebrows raised. "You had a date?"

Midoriya turned red and waved his arms around. "N-No! I didn't say that!"

"Midoriya. You're stuttering. And red."

"Okay fine. It might've been a date."

"With who."

"Nope. Sorry Todoroki, but that's as much as you're gonna get from me."

Todoroki narrowed his eyes, but left it. He'd find out someday who this mysterious date was. Either from Midoriya telling him, or from his awesome detective work.

Uraraka prided herself on being an amazing friend. And she knew Iida was dying at the fact that they let Deku get lost, but... something seemed off when Deku said he was lost. How'd he end up at a cat café, the one they usually go to, if he was lost?

"Iida, I don't think Deku was really lost."

"What do you mean? He told us he was lost. I admit, it was very irresponsible of us to lose track of him, we will do better! However, we cannot try to find a way to shift the blame away from us!"

"No, Iida. Deku ended up at that cat café we always go to. How was he lost if he was there?"

"Perhaps he wandered until he found a familiar area and went there to rest and get directions."

"Hmmm. Maybe."

Or maybe Deku's hiding something. Wait! Didn't he just mention a crush? Could he have.... Uraraka shook her head. There was no way her easily flustered friend had managed to ask out his crush. No way. Then again, who is his crush? There weren't many girls Deku really hung out with, though he was friendly with everyone.

"Deku?" Uraraka knocked on his dorm room door, hoping to talk to him about his crush or the festival. But there wasn't an answer.

"Hmmm." Uraraka saw Todoroki walking by, "Todoroki! Do you know where Deku is?"

"He said he was going to study."

"But doesn't he normally study in his room? He isn't answering the door."

Todoroki frowned. "Maybe he went somewhere else to study for the night."

"Where would he have gone on a Thursday afternoon?"

"Maybe the cat café?"

"Ok, thanks Todoroki!"

Todoroki nodded and walked away.

I'm gonna find Deku! Uraraka was sure of herself.

Or not. She thought as she collapsed onto her bed. Uraraka had searched everywhere. She had knocked on every dorm room door. Found every cat café. Looked in every library. But she couldn't find Deku anywhere.

Wait. There was one dorm room door she hadn't knocked on. But there was no way Deku would be there... At least he wouldn't be there and alive. But Uraraka was desperate.

So she knocked on Bakugou's door.

"What the fucking hell do you want, Round Face?" Bakugou growled at her, glaring at her from in between the door frame and his partially open door, blocking her view inside.

"Do you know where Deku is?"

"Why the hell would I know where he is?"

"I don't know! But I've looked everywhere! Yours is the last room I haven't checked."

"Obviously you haven't looked everywhere. Otherwise, you might've found him. Now get lost!" He slammed the door in her face.

Darn. Uraraka walked away. Maybe she had just missed him? Oh well. I can just ask him tomorrow.

Hi! So I really wasn't expecting this many people to like my story! Thank you for all the votes, comments, and, of course, reads! I'm posting in between studying for exams so I apologize if I'm a bit late responding to your comments! Hope everyone is having a good day!

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