Hallucination Quirk?

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"Kacchan!" Izuku stifled a laugh, "that was mean."

Bakugou smirked at him, "like you aren't laughing."

"I am NOT!"

"Oh really?"

"Kacchan? Wait! Kacchan!" Midoriya broke down into laughter as Bakugou sat on him, pinning him to the bed, as he tickled him. Bakugou grinned as Midoriya wriggled around, trying to get out of his grip. He moved his hands from Izuku's sides, using one to pin his hands above his head, giving him a slight reprieve.

"Kacchan! N-no!" Izuku broke back down into a fit of laughter as Katsuki used his free hand to continue tickling him. Katsuki loved when Izuku laughed, his whole face would light up. Katsuki bent down, removing his hand from Izuku's sides and kissed him.

Izuku looked up at Katsuki from where he laid on the bed, he was panting, his face red. Bakugou leaned down and kissed him again.

"K-Kacchan! You can't just kiss me after that! I already couldn't breath!"

Katsuki just smirked down at him and kissed him a third time, a little longer than the last.

"Oh? Because from where I am, I think I can."

Izuku flushed red, Katsuki smiling down at him. He released Izuku's hands before moving himself to flop on top of him. Izuku carded his fingers through Katsuki's hair and giggled.

"Whatcha giggling at, nerd?" Katsuki said, looking up at Izuku from where he lay on his chest.

"Your hair is pretty soft for being so spiky."

"...shut up and cuddle me."

There are times Jirou loves her quirk. Afterall, she can hear sounds through walls, listen in on gossip, and her quirk is just pretty awesome. But, that was not something she thought she would hear.

Bakugou Katsuki and Midoriya Izuku were in the same room. And Midoriya was laughing. Because Bakugou was tickling him. Bakugou Katsuki, the Bakugou Katsuki, was tickling him. And he kissed him. Jirou wouldn't have known that part if it wasn't for Midoriya's complaint. But the weirdest part was that they were cuddling. Bakugou Katsuki was cuddling Midoriya Izuku, and from their conversation, it sounded like Bakugou had initiated it.

Jirou was pretty sure this was new. And unexpected. And impossible. And... she was probably hit by a hallucination quirk. Because there was no way that happened. But logically, Jirou knew that she wasn't hit by a hallucination quirk. Which meant Bakugou and Midoriya were actually cuddling...and kissing. And if Jirou didn't respect people's privacy as much as she did, the entire class would have known by now. It was taking all of her strength not to tell anyone, even if it was against her morals.

But instead she headed to Momo's for some tea and cuddles... and maybe some of those really good cookies. 

Hey everyone! Exams finally finished (still glad I had drafts in case I couldn't write because I needed them)!!! I'm gonna post two parts today to celebrate, I hope everyone is having a wonderful December! 

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