To Investigate Or To Not Investigate!

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Bakugou yawned. "Nerd." He nudged Midoriya's shoulder. "Nerd."

"Kacchan?" Midoriya answered sleepily.

"Come on. We aren't sleeping on the floor."

"What time is it?"

"8:30. You're exhausted."

"No I'm not." Midoriya yawned again. "Play the next movie."

"Izuku, you're exhausted. It's time for bed."

Midoriya shook his head.

Bakugou sighed. Midoriya always got difficult when he was tired. Bakugou could see how exhausted he was just from looking at him. Midoriya's eyes were already closing again, his head dropping down. It was cute. Not that Bakugou would ever say that out loud.


No answer. Bakugou carefully extracted himself from the pile of pillows and blankets he and Midoriya were laying on. He crouched down, placing one arm under Midoriya's knees and the other under his back. He carefully picked Midoriya up, cradling him in his arms, and carried him to the bed. He gently set him down on the bed and oh-so-carefully got into the bed himself. He pulled the blankets over the two of them, the light already being off from movie day, he placed his extra pillow on the ground.

"Night, Izuku."

Midoriya just turned in his sleep, cuddling up to Bakugou.

Meanwhile, the bakusquad and dekusquad were having a meeting. Todoroki and Kirishima had been talking during their newly habitual training session. Both of them were worried for their friends and had both been wondering what Midoriya and Bakugou were doing on their day, days?, off.

"Ok, so we called this meeting because Bakubro and Midobro have been acting really weird." Kirishima said.

"I agree. Midoriya said he got lost at the festival a few weeks ago. Midoriya doesn't get lost." Todoroki added.

"And Bakubro hasn't been as grumpy lately." Kirishima said.

"Ok, that's all true, but do you think it's related? Kero." Tsu asked.

"I don't know but I want answers!" Uraraka said. "Deku's been acting really strange for weeks! Like seriously, is he taking a class in espionage? I can't find him anywhere!"

"Uraraka! UA does not have classes on espionage." Iida pushed up his glasses. "And you should not be prying so hard into his business! If Midoriya wanted us to know what he was doing, he would have told us!"

"Or not." Jirou said, passing by the common room on her way to get a snack.

"Jirou! Do you know something?" Mina asked.

"None of my biz. None of yours either."

"But Jirou! What if Bakugou and Midoriya got kidnapped by aliens? And they've been replaced by clones!" Kaminari said.

Everyone stared at him.

"No." Sero said. "Just no. Not even my brownies could make me think that."

"Speaking of your brownies," Iida began, "you really shouldn't be making those in the dorms! Or at all!"

"Understood. I'll make sure to back extra and leave them inside your dorm." Sero saluted Iida.

"N-no! That is not what I meant." Iida exclaimed.

"Don't worry. I get you." Sero winked at him.

"ANYWAYS!" Mina said. "Ignoring Iida and Sero's sexual tension-"

"Mina! There is no sexual tension between me and Sero!"

"There isn't? Damn and here I thought we had something going on dude."

"-ignoring the sexual tension. Yes, Iida there's tension. What are we going to do? Bakugou and Midoriya are going to be awful to investigate."

"Oh look at that! Shinsou texted me! I'll see all of you later!" Kaminari ran out of the dorms.

"Kami! Kami! Okay... how are we going to investigate... without Kami?"

"Maybe we shouldn't investigate. Kero" Tsu said. "It's their business. And it could be them making up for the years they weren't friends. Kero."

"But what if Kaminari was right and Midoriya and Bakugou were replaced by clones?" Todoroki asked.

"Todobro-" Kirishima put his hand on Todoroki's shoulder. "I don't think that's it. But maybe Tsu's right. Maybe we shouldn't investigate. I really don't want those two fighting again."

"Fine." Mina said. "For now."

"What? No!" Uraraka insisted. "We need to investigate."

Mina ended up leading her away, trying to distract her with the cupcakes Sato just made and telling her that they'll investigate if things don't go back to something resembling normal soon.... Or if they can get past everyone else.

"Ok then. I'll see you guys later. Todobro, do you want to study with me? I'm having a hard time understanding this one math problem."

"Sure." Todoroki said, following Kirishima up to his room.

Hello! I'm pretty sure I'm a bit late posting but I finally got a chance to write another chapter! I'm a bit busy right now. Bio is a lot more work than I was hoping for...😭 And my college is cutting my major! Hooray... There's been some back and forth on whether they're guaranteeing that students already here will finish or if they'll do "the best they can" to make sure we get the degree we chose. In light of that, I now have a college visit coming up because I'm not sure if I really trust that. If I do end up going to the college I'm looking at, I'll be really happy. They have a novel writing bootcamp where you write a novel and send it to publishers within the length of the course! But we'll see. They're a bit more expensive so I'm having to apply to more scholarships incase and I have to write my transfer essays. But I'll still be keeping an eye on this book and updating. It just may not be as often as I'd like but I'm going to try for at least 1-2 times a week. Hope everyone is staying well! Plus Ultra!!!

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