Quirkless Hero

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Class began as normal. Students filed in, people found their friends to talk for the 5 minutes before class starts, Aizawa was in his sleeping bag. The only weird thing was that Midoriya wasn't rushing in 1 minute before the bell, and his tie was done correctly. Bakugou and Midoriya had stopped all conversation before Iida and Tokoyami, who knew he would be third (usually) to arrive, just to avoid any unwanted questions. Iida immediately yelled at Bakugou for having his feet up on his desk before promptly turning to Midoriya, and freezing. Because since when was Midoriya's tie done correctly?

"Midoriya! You've been holding back on us!"

"...uh, what?"

"Your tie! You tied it correctly! I must insist that if you can tie it correctly that you tie it correctly everyday!"

Midoriya looked down at his tie, his memory flashing back to Kacchan tying it for him. He had been a bit tired at the time, not even thinking about the fact that Kacchan had tied his tie, and turning a bit red.

"Oh, uh, well, I'm not really sure how I managed to get it to look right... but I can certainly try to redo it!"

Bakugou quietly snickered at Deku's predicament. The nerd would never be able to redo his tie. He didn't even tie it in the first place!

"Alright everyone, sit down. You should have been sitting five seconds ago." Aizawa said, removing himself from his sleeping bag. "Today we are going over the development of quirks and having a discussion over future evolution of quirks."

Bakugou was bored. He knew all of this. Why? Because of a certain nerd who sat behind him. Quirks were Izuku's area of expertise, proven by the fact that Izuku answered all of Aizawa's questions correctly and had even interrupted once to correct him, which meant that Bakugou had basically heard this entire lesson, in greater detail, last night.

Though, Bakugou did have to snicker at Aizawa's face every time Izuku raised his hand to answer his questions with what could be an entire essay of an explanation. Most of the class were staring at Izuku with wide eyes and mouth agape. Iida tried to scold him for correcting his teacher, but just ended up stuttering from shock when Aizawa told him to sit down. Bakugou knew Aizawa didn't actually care that Izuku had interrupted him, considering that trick he had played their first day, he almost suspected he wanted to see if Izuku would correct him.

Bakugou's mind drifted to all the possibilities Izuku could've had, even without a quirk. In all honesty, that nerd probably would've ended up with a job gathering intelligence and putting together attack strategies. Maybe he would've worked as a quirk researcher or specialized in predicting villain's movements. Either way, Izuku had always been meant to work in the hero industry and Bakugou had no doubt that even after he retired as a hero, after all heroes did usually retire before their fifties or sixties because of the physical aspect of the job, Izuku would probably find another job working with quirks.

Midoriya however, was fully engaged in the lesson. Every question Aizawa asked, he knew the answer too. Half the time, he knew what Aizawa was going to say before he said it. What could he say? He liked quirks. He could've sworn Aizawa's mouth quirked up when he raised his hand to correct him, though Iida looked like he was about to pass out. Midoriya was curious though, what did Aizawa think of a quirkless child becoming a hero? Should he even ask? Would he give the same answer as All Might originally did, as he would have kept if he couldn't transfer his quirk? But he didn't have to ask, because someone else did.

"Mr. Aizawa," Uraraka began, "what about the people who don't have quirks? Why don't they? And could they ever be heroes, even without a quirk?"

Bakugou and Midoriya both tensed.

"They probably don't have quirks because it is an evolutionary attribute. Sometimes the quirk genes don't get passed down. But can they be heroes?"

Midoriya held his breath.


Midoriya's world stopped.

"People without quirks can be heroes. Can they be heroes like All Might? No. But imagine someone like Midoriya here."

All eyes flicked to him, but his were only on Aizawa.

"He knows almost everything there is to know about quirks and their evolution. He's taken so many notes, studied them to no end, he's figured out to know a quirk's weakness and strength. He's also studied people's strategies and how their quirks play into their strategy. Imagine, someone with that amount of knowledge about quirks working as an underground hero, or a support hero who makes the plans, who lets other heroes know about what villains they're fighting. Midoriya's knowledge and determination, even without a quirk, would allow him to be a hero. So yes, someone without a quirk can be a hero if they have some sort of talent that can assist in hero work."

Midoriya felt like he was going to cry.

"But." Aizawa continued. "UA isn't fair. Hero schools aren't fair. Someone without a quirk could make an amazing hero, but they would never get into a hero school. Our entrance exam lets people with amazing quirks fall through, like those whose quirks don't work on robots, it would never allow someone who is quirkless to make it in UA. So yes, they could, but in this society, they wouldn't be allowed to."

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