Monoma is Destroyed

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The rest of the week was fairly normal. At least, it was as normal as a week at UA could be. The only bizarrely unusual event that happened took place on Friday at lunch.

It wasn't uncommon for class 1-A to walk to lunch together. They were in the same class, coming from the same place, and generally sat in the same areas. It also wasn't unusual for Monoma to show up at least once a week. It became a sort of weekly tradition for Monoma to show up, make a few cracks about class 1-A, sometimes Bakugou would scream at him (ok, most of the time), and it would end with Kendou hitting him over the head and dragging him away. No one was really phased by it anymore.

However, there was always one line Monoma didn't cross—dragging people too personally. If he did ever pick out someone to mock, it was usually a nickname (not unlike Bakugou's) or perhaps over a test he heard someone failed.

But this time was different. For some reason, Monoma had woken up on this Friday and chosen violence. This time, when he approached class 1-A, it wasn't his usual mantra of how "class 1-B is superior to class 1-A" or the mentioning of some test score. No, this time, Monoma came for Bakugou, and he came for him hard.

"If it isn't the school's living, breathing ticking time bomb." Monoma smirked as he approached class 1-A. "You know, it's come to my attention that no one has ever actually told you what everyone has been thinking since day one."

Most of class 1-A rolled their eyes, Bakugou deadpanned at him, and for some particular reason, Uraraka could see Deku get this strange look in his eyes.

"You see, ever since the first day of school, there's been a general consensus: you're a villain."

Class 1-A froze. Even Bakugou didn't move.

"No response? Not surprised. For all your yelling, and cursing, and bullying you do to your classmates, you've never expected someone to call you on it. I've seen you fight your classmates, you go overboard. You don't fight them, you obliterate them. You may no mind to if they could get hurt. All you do is push and push and blow up everything that talks."

The lunchroom had gone quiet.

"Everyone thinks it. You don't care for anyone but yourself. It'd be better for everyone if you just left now and—"

Monoma didn't even get to finish his sentence as Midoriya sent a fist straight into his face. The entirety of class 1-A stared at Midoriya, eyes wide. Uraraka looked like she was about to faint, Todoroki's mouth dropped, his face leaving its usual deadpan. Even Kendou, who was walking up to give Monoma the hit-over-the-head of his life, froze in her tracks.

"Don't you dare call Kacchan a villain. Don't suggest it. Don't even fucking think it."

Monoma was now staring up at him, one hand holding his cheek, his expression one of disbelief at Midoriya, who was standing over him with the most murderous look anyone had ever seen on his face. His body seemed to radiate rage.

"You call pushing his classmates being villainous? I call it preparing them. The fact that he pushes so hard shows that he believes they CAN fight at that level, that they can fight him at that level without getting injured. And what about a real villain fight? No villain is going to go easy on a hero. And by going all out now, you're preparing yourself to go all out when it counts—in a possible life or death situation. Or life or serious injury situation. He goes so hard so everyone is prepared to be a hero and fight villains. And if you can't see that, then maybe you should get the fucking hell out of this school."

Midoriya took a breath.

"And by the way, if class 1-B is superior to class 1-A, then you still aren't the number one class. Because that would suggest the class superiority goes in the opposite direction, making class 1-C the most superior class. You're number two either way. 

And even if your class was better than ours, you are definitely not better than us. Your quirk depends on touch. Which means for those of us whose quirk doesn't require touch to take you out, we would take you out in a heartbeat. And even of us whose quirks require touch as well, could still take you down. You aren't that good.

Now stop messing with my class."

The lunch room was silent. No one wanted to speak. Even Aizawa, who had come just in time for Monoma to start talking and was about to give him a detention, was silently staring. He was starting to reconsider his perception of Midoriya being an 'innocent cinnamon roll' as Midnight and Present Mic called him.

Midoriya just turned, took Bakugou's hand, motioning for his classmates to follow him and left the cafeteria, everyone staring after them. Aizawa watched them go before turning back and walking to Monoma.

"Go to Recovery Girl's office. Midoriya packs one hell of a punch. After you get checked out, you have detention today and Monday."

"WHAT?! Mr. Aizawa, that green-haired brat just punched me! Why am I getting punished."

"Honestly? You deserved it. I'll talk with Midoriya, but you crossed too many lines. Don't think I won't be talking with Vlad King and Nezu about your behavior." Aizawa turned to go check on his class, pausing once to look over his shoulder. "By the way," Monoma looked up at him, "I'm surprised none of them punched you sooner."

Ok, so there are chapters that I love, chapters that I think 'oh goodness, I'm so sorry but I can't think of anything else' and is basically a filler chapter, and then there are the chapters that I absolutely adore. I'm pretty sure I mentioned how "Quirkless Hero" is my favorite chapter. Well personally, this chapter gives it a run for its money. These are the thoughts that live rent free inside my head and finally made it into this story. 

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