Extra and Epilogue

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Uraraka cheered with the rest of the class. She smiled and congratulated Deku and Bakugou on their relationship. But she couldn't help but be slightly unhappy. She'd really hoped that Deku would love her. That he'd look at her the way he looks at Bakugou. The tears running down her cheeks were in the privacy of her own dorm room, hours after the exams, but the feelings they came with were still fresh.

She wiped her eyes. It might take a while, but she'd get over it. Deku was happy and really, that was what mattered to her. She could find someone else. And who knows, maybe she could help with his wedding one day.


Katsuki was nervous. Three years after high school, he and Izuku were still going strong. They'd debuted as the Wonder Duo, only needing three years to make it to the number one hero duo spot and numbers one and two heroes. He could deal with being number two, as long as it was to Izuku.

That said, he couldn't wait any longer. Honestly, he'd almost done it after the hero duo exam, though that would have been too young. He almost did it after their debut. He'd almost done it every day since they graduated. But he'd waited. Because tonight was the official hero gala. The hero gala they'd be announced as the new number one and two heroes (yes, they were told ahead of time so they could prepare). So he'd waited for tonight. And he wasn't about to wait any longer.

Izuku was incredibly nervous. He and Katsuki had arrived together, to no one's surprise. They'd been announced as the number one and two pro heroes (Izuku didn't cry. He didn't). But right now was the first dance of the gala. The cameras would be focused on him and Katsuki. They hadn't really come out as dating, though they'd never hidden it either. And Izuku really wanted to dance with his Kacchan.

He grabbed Katsuki's hand. "Do you──do you want to dance?"

Katsuki smiled down at him. "I'd love to."

Izuku could feel the cameras watching them as they stepped onto the dance floor. He felt the eyes of other pro heroes and the few news anchors who'd been allowed in. But as Katsuki wrapped one arm around his waist, guiding Izuku's hand to his shoulder, they faded away. All that mattered was Kacchan. His wonder, beautiful Kacchan. They swept across the dance floor, Katsuki twirling him to the music.

At one point, Katsuki twirled him off, letting go of his hand. Izuku turned back to him with a blinding smile, freezing as he saw Katsuki on one knee. His hands went to his face (again, he totally wasn't crying).

"Izuku, love," Katsuki's cheeks were pink and he looked slightly nervous, but very much in love, "will you marry me?"

Izuku moved one hand from his face, reaching down into the secret pocket he had Auntie Mitsuki sew into the inside of his suit jacket. He removed a small black box, almost identical to the one Katsuki was holding.

Izuku opened the box, stretching it out in front of him. "Only if you will."

Katsuki's smile was bigger than Izuku had ever seen, and he could see a couple of tears run down his face. Katsuki moved to stand in front of him, taking the ring in his own box and putting it on Izuku's finger, before allowing Izuku to do the same.

"Of course I will." Katsuki said as he picked Izuku up, allowing the boxes to clatter to the floor, they weren't needed anyway.

Izuku cried as he smiled, cried as he kissed his now fiancé. Because they were together, they'd always be together.

Yay!!! We made it to the end! Thank you again for reading, and Touch is officially published! :D

Kirishima sets the Wonder Duo in MotionWhere stories live. Discover now