Valentine's day special: part 2

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Todoroki was nervous. Kirishima was his first boyfriend. His first relationship. And this was his first valentine's day in a relationship. He wasn't really sure how this worked. He had gotten Kirishima a gift. It was a basket with chocolates, a shark plushie, a rose, and a leather cord bracelet he had seen Kirishima admiring in the store the other day. Was that enough? Was he supposed to like, rent a restaurant for the two of them?

He felt his nervousness worsen as he heard a knock on his door.

"Hey, Todolove!" Kirishima said as he walked in, carrying a basket.

"H-hey, Kiri." Todoroki blushed at the nickname.

"I got you a present! Also, I was thinking maybe you'd want to set up a movie and cuddle?"

Todoroki's nerves calmed a bit at that. "That sounds good. I got you a present as well."

"Awww. Todolove! I love it!" Kirishima was already hugging the shark plushie. "Now open mine!"

Todoroki carefully unpacked the basket Kirishima gave him. There was chocolate, a penguin stuffie, and... is that what he thinks it is?

"Do you like it? It turns out you aren't the only one who hates your dad!"

Todoroki laughed. It was a ceramic "Endeavwhore", "meant to be smashed and destroyed" said the box. Todoroki didn't know where Kirishima had found this, but he couldn't help but fall for him a little more after seeing it.

"I love it! Thank you."

Kirishima grinned at him. "Great! So now what do you say to a movie day?"

Todoroki smiled, already moving to help Kirishima set up a pillow fort.

"Happy Valentine's day, love." 

P.S. there should be 1-2 more valentine's day specials in a few hours.

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