Pride Books

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...I got very overzealous lol. So there are a lot of books on this list. Some are on my bookshelf (read and haven't gotten too), some are ones on my personal "to get/read" list, and some are from a Penguinteen instagram post of pride books for June. There are obviously more books than just these, but these are just the ones I have info on. I'll do movies/shows in a new chapter (I still need to get them together). Feel free to comment any others you would recommend in the comments.


The Eldest Curses Trilogy

YA Fantasy. If you've read Cassandra Clare's Mortal Instruments, this is the trilogy that follows Alec and Magnus. The third book is not out yet, but the first two are called The Red Scrolls of Magic and The Lost Book of the White. (In my bookshelf, haven't gotten to yet 🥲)

Six of Crows Duology

YA Fantasy. Really good and highly recommended. I feel like the queer romance doesn't come in until the second book (Crooked Kingdom). I could be wrong, it's been a bit since I've read it and I tend to mix up where one book ends and another starts easily.

Red Queen Series

YA Fantasy. Yes, it does take awhile to get to the queerness, but it is there. But the series is really good. The lesbian couple in this is what made me realize I wasn't straight by the way. (Or at least made me realize that I didn't have to be straight)

A Court of Thorns and Roses and Throne of Glass

YA Fantasy. These two are stretching it (like really stretching it). I love Sarah J Maas; she's my favorite author, but the queer representation is a bit lacking. Technically, there are queer characters if you get far enough in the series (like really far), but I wouldn't go so far to say these are great books for queer representation (to the point where I'm honestly half tempted to take these ones off), but I do love them so I stuck them on here. 

Girls of Paper and Fire Trilogy

YA Fantasy. Third book isn't out yet but the series is good. Queer representation is high in these. Like out of the ones I've put so far, Girls of Paper and Fire and Eldest Curses probably have the best representation where it's the main main characters that are queer, not just a side main character.

We Set the Dark on Fire

YA Fantasy. Haven't gotten to read it yet but I've heard it's very good. The second book is coming out soon. Another book that is sitting on my shelves and I am trying to read soon (there's so manyyyy).

Percy Jackson, Heroes of Olympus, Trial of Apollo, Magnus Chase....

Juv. Fantasy. VERY VERY GOOD. I'm betting most people know this one, but I love Percy Jackson and I highly recommend it.

This Book is Gay

Queer Non fiction. Yes. It's a great run down of LGBTQ terms, history, ect. Warning: it does go over gay/lesbian sex (since a lot of schools don't). So please don't read if you aren't ready to read about sex.

Boy Erased

Queer Memoir. Very good. I'm not big into non-fiction books, but I loved this one. It's about a boy who is sent to conversion therapy so reader discretion advised.

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