Uraraka is Dramatic

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"Midoriya," Todoroki said as they were walking out of class, "what would you think about being in a hero duo?"

"Oh! I think it'd be fun if it was with the right person. But there are so many aspects you'd have to consider. Like fighting style, quirks, personalities, how well the two handle arguments.."

Todoroki let out a chuckle. "So I suppose you and Bakugou won't be forming a hero duo anytime soon."

Midoriya tried not to frown. "I don't know. I think Kacchan and I could do it if we really wanted to! But Todoroki, why do you ask? Are you thinking of trying to form a hero duo?"

"Maybe. It'd piss off my father, that's for sure."

"Um. I don't think that should be the only reason you do it."

"It wouldn't be. But I'm still thinking about it. What about you? Are you thinking of being in a hero duo?"

"Oh! Me?"

Todoroki nodded.

"Well I don't know. I think it could be fun, but I don't know if there's anyone I'd really do it with."

"...What about me?"

Midoriya blinked. "I suppose we would make a good team. But I think I already know what I'm going to do."

"Ah. Okay, let me know if you change your mind." Todoroki walked off, leaving Midoriya to walk to the little café he and Bakugou agreed to meet at.

"Kacchan!" Midoriya waved as he ran across the street to the café where Bakugou was waiting.

"Hey, nerd." He gave Midoriya a side hug and a little kiss on the forehead before pushing him into the café.

They quickly settled in a comfortable, but animated, conversation. Midoriya going over the plan for perfecting new strategies and movements with Bakugou adding in his thoughts on fighting techniques and possible new moves. They had already begun to work on signature singular moves and were now planning out potential duo signature moves.

"What if you did an explosion and I flicked a finger so it spread the explosion out more?! Do you think that would work?"

"Possibly. It'd be a bitch to figure out though. But I suppose if we timed it right it could work."

"Or a smokescreen! Then we come at them from two different angles!"

"Again, it would take some time to perfect, but we could do it. After all, we are the Wonder Duo!"


Meanwhile, as Bakugou and Midoriya planned out their future moves, the dekusquad decided to get together, with the exception of Midoriya as he wasn't answering his phone and they couldn't find him. But it just so happened that they decided to walk around a downtown area they had never explored before, one with a certain café on its streets.

"I can't believe we couldn't find Deku!" Uraraka cried. "I feel like he's impossible to find on Tuesdays and Thursdays already, and now today! We literally just got out of school!"

"Uraraka," Iida said, "calm down! I'm sure there's a reasonable explanation for his disappearances! Perhaps he has begun a new studying regiment!"

"But that doesn't explain why we can never find him on Tuesdays and Thursdays!"

"Yes it does! He would be studying! In a quiet area!"

"What quiet area?! Our school doesn't have one of those!"

"Uraraka! Of course UA has a quiet zone! It is the top school in the country! A school as prestigious as UA certainly has a quiet zone!"

"Yeah, but I've checked the whole school inside and out! I haven't found Deku or a quiet area!"

"Uraraka, I'm sure you're being overdramatic."

"I am not! I just want to know where Deku goes!"

"Maybe he's going on dates with Bakugou."

Iida and Uraraka whipped around to face Todoroki, who had stopped walking and was staring into a little café on the corner of the street.

"Todoroki!" Iida cried, "Now is not the time for one of your conspiracy theories!"

"Not even if I see Bakugou and Midoriya sitting in a café together?"

"You WHAT?!" Uraraka screamed.

Todoroki pointed to the little café on the opposite side of the street. Uraraka scanned it, finally getting a glance of green and spikey blond hair in one of the booths. Her jaw dropped.

"No way!" She started to cross the street before Iida pulled her back.

"And what do you think you're doing? You can't just walk in there! Midoriya is allowed to have some privacy... with Bakugou... if he wants! Not to mention all we can see is green hair and blonde hair! It might not even be them!"

"But Iida!"



"No. Now let's go. You too Todoroki! And Uraraka! UA most definitely has a quiet zone!"

"Not with the bakusquad around." Todoroki replied.

Hi! I just wanted to say thank you to everyone telling me they like my work! I appreciate it! I had someone ask how often I post and while I did reply to them, I wasn't sure if anyone else was curious about that, so I figured I'd put it here. I post every 2-3 days. Thank you all for reading!

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