Catching Fire

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Todoroki caught on fire. Granted; he did it in the bathroom, out of Kirishima's sight, but Todoroki had little flames burning on his left side. He groaned. Kirishima was just too cute. The moment they had made it to the theater, Kiri had looked so excited, bouncing around and talking about anything and everything that came to his mind. Todoroki's face currently hurt from smiling too much. Which wasn't hard considering he was with Kirishima.

Todoroki let a frost cover his left side, putting out the flames but not leaving himself soaked as the heat dissipated the frost into steam. He took a breath. I can do this. I just have to sit through a horror movie with Kirishima possibly cuddling me. Not hard at all...

It was extremely hard. Todoroki was trying not to catch on fire again and Kirishima holding onto his arm for dear life wasn't helping. Every jump scare Kirishima would just hold onto him harder. It was just so cute.

Midoriya was trying not to laugh. He really was. And it didn't help that Bakugou was snickering himself. Midoriya had just wanted to see a movie with Kacchan, a nice horror movie where they could make fun of the characters for doing stupid things and relax. He did not, however, expect to see Todoroki and Kirishima heading into the same movie. Kirishima had been smiling to no end and even Todoroki had a small smile on his face. It was honestly cute in his opinion.

Bakugou had taken a couple of blackmail photos. But right now, both of them were too busy trying not to break down laughing at the look on Todoroki's face to care about blackmailing them. He looked constipated. Like he was somewhere between smiling, freaking out, and catching on fire. Midoriya was pretty sure he'd have seen steam coming from Todoroki's left side if the movie was any brighter.

Midoriya pulled out his phone and turned the brightness down to the lowest it could go.

To Katy Perry❄️🔥:

Put your arm around him. And calm down, you'll get kicked out of the theater if you burst into fire.

Todoroki felt his phone vibrate in his pocket. He used the arm Kiri hadn't wrapped himself around to sneak it partly out of his pocket and glance at the message. Todoroki jolted slightly, forcing himself not to look around. Since when was Midoriya here? Todoroki looked at the message again, trying to calm himself down. Midoriya was right, if he burst into flames right here, they'd get kicked out and Kirishima would probably get burned.

Todoroki peaked at Kirishima. Put his arm around him? That sounded like a very very bad idea. And yet it was so terribly tempting. Would Kirishima be mad if he put his arm around him? If Todoroki was being honest... probably not. Kiri didn't get mad at much and he was holding onto his arm already. If this works, I'll buy out the entire theater for Midoriya to see the new All Might movie with whoever he wants and as many snacks as he can consume.

Kirishima was surprised when Todoroki gently pulled his arm out of his grip. I guess he didn't like me holding onto him. Kirishima thought with a frown. He started to shift away from Todoroki, not wanting to force himself into Todoroki's space if he didn't want him there, when he felt Todoroki's arm wrap around him, pulling him back into him. Kirishima blushed, but relaxed into him anyways. He peeked up at Todoroki, noting that he seemed to be blushing as well. Maybe he does like me? Kirishima shook his head. Nope. Don't get your hopes up. Just watch the movie. But even as he turned his attention back to the movie, Kirishima couldn't help but hope that Todoroki might just like him back.

Sorry it's been so long guys. I got busy with exams (turns out 12-15 page papers aren't fun and bio exams are impossible even with studying lol). But I'm back!

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