Todoroki's (1) Correct Theory

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Contrary to popular belief, Todoroki was aware that some of his theories may not necessarily be... correct. However, he was not expecting his theory about Midoriya dating someone to be the theory that was actually true. (He was really hoping it was the theory of him being a robot and not his father's son, but he supposed not all wishes come true.)

He wasn't even, in fact, looking for the evidence to prove his theory. All he wanted was some cold soba and to ask Mr. Aizawa who the second hero duo was. He didn't mean to stumble on Midoriya and Bakugou's training. And he most definitely did not mean to stumble upon Bakugou pinning Midoriya to the ground before kissing him. That, in fact, was not a sight he wanted to see.

He didn't even snap a photo before turning around and walking back to the dorms, straight past Uraraka who looked like she was trying to ask him a question and into his room. He could practically see the buffering symbol displayed across his forehead.

Then he screamed.

Kirishima wanted cuddles. In particular, he wanted cuddles from his boyfriend. So, upon seeing him enter the dorms and head to his room, he managed to subtly leave the common room to go cuddle him. He was not, however, expecting to hear a shriek sounding from his boyfriend's dorm.

Rushing to the door, Kirishima pulled out the spare key Todoroki gave him and pushed the door open, scanning the room to see what caused Todoroki to scream. Instead, he saw his boyfriend sitting, jaw gaping, on the bed.

"Todobabe?" Kirishima closed the door behind him. "Are you okay?"

"They're dating." Todoroki looked at him. "My theory was right. They're dating."

"Who? Whose dating?"

Todoroki opens his mouth to answer before pausing, thinking of the amount of damage Midoriya could do to him if he told Kirishima without his permission.

"I can't tell you."


"Because I don't want to die. Or break any bones. Or receive a disappointed stare."

Kirishima stared at his boyfriend. "...okay. Uh, cuddles?"

Todoroki nodded, opening his arms for Kirishima to climb into. They laid on his bed, nestled into one another, softly smiling. Kirishima's concern for his boyfriend's sanity decreased as he began to fall asleep in Todoroki's arms. And while Todoroki relaxed in his boyfriend's arms, his mind still whirled from the very idea that Bakugou and Midoriya kissed. But, in the end, his boyfriend was very cuddly and warm, so he, too, fell asleep.

Bakugou loved seeing his boyfriend pinned under him. It was cute watching him blush as he realized what position they were in. It was especially cute to watch how flustered his boyfriend became after he kissed him. Sometimes, he thought Izuku lost to him on purpose just for this, which didn't exactly help his ego, but he enjoyed it too much to care.

But right now, Bakugou was smirking down at his boyfriend, who was very much pinned beneath him. Izuku was staring up at him with wide eyes and a bright blush and suddenly Bakugou wished his quirk was the ability to take pictures with his eyes and print them out with his hands or something, any quirk that would allow him to take a photo of this moment.

Then again, if that was his quirk, he probably wouldn't be on top of Izuku right now.


Bakugou pulled himself out of his thoughts. "Yeah?"

"Are you gonna get off me or...?"

He smirked down at him. "Nah. I think I'll stay right here for a bit longer."

Izuku blushed and whined underneath him. Bakugou smiled. Yeah, he really loved his boyfriend.

...This is as close to smut as I will ever get lol. Also, was no one going to tell me that I started a guardian angel deku au? Because I just found one in my fanfic doc and it actually has a couple of chapters to it... Oops. 

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