Oh... OH... O-H!

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Bakugou loved his boyfriend. Sometimes, he questioned if he loved him too much. This was one of those times. Midoriya was dead set on learning how to combine their quirks, his finger flick and his explosions, to create a wave of explosive fire. It was a disaster. The angle, movement, and timing had to be perfect... and nothing was ever perfect.

"Ok Kacchan, I got it! I'll stand directly in front of you with your arms around me, you'll create a circle with your hands, kinda like the way you do your AP shot, just with a tunnel made of both hands instead of one hand being the back of it. As you create the explosion, I'll flick, causing the explosion to direct itself outwards kinda like your other hand does for your AP shot. Once we figure that out, we can work on moving it so it sweeps and covers more ground."

"Ok, let's do it nerd."

Bakugou and Midoriya got into position, Bakugou prayed, and they exploded. The effect was a blast that covered a good portion of gym gamma, less concentrated than Bakugou's AP shot, but still deadly. Aizawa almost gaped from his spot in the stands, suddenly glad he decided he could take a back seat during their training sessions.

Midoriya and Bakugou cheered. Their major specialty move had finally worked. All they needed to do now was perfect it, adding in the sweeping motion that would only make it more dangerous.

They spent another 2 hours working on it, getting permission from Aizawa to stay late. They were hyped. Their fighting style was finally coming together and working towards perfection. The duo exams were in a couple of weeks, causing them to beg Aizawa for more practice time. A request that wasn't quite denied, but wasn't granted either.

Kirishima was exhausted. He hadn't been able to sleep very well since his and Todoroki's 'not a date.' What he really wanted to do was cuddle up to the dual haired boy and sleep, but he couldn't exactly just walk into his room and ask. That'd be weird. Instead, he settled for grabbing himself a cup of chamomile tea from the kitchen before walking back to his dorm. When he got there, Todoroki was waiting for him.

"Todo?" Kirishima yawned. "What's up?"

"I was coming to see if you wanted to study. Now, I'm more curious on why you look so tired."

"I haven't been able to sleep."

"Oh. I'm sorry. Would you like me to go?"

"Not really." Shit. He hadn't meant to say that out loud. Though he swore he could see a small smile cross Todoroki's face.


Kirishima unlocked his door and went inside, holding the door open for Todoroki to follow him in. He let the door shut, sitting on his bed. He blinked, zoning out a bit.

Kirishima looked exhausted. It was cute. Todoroki could admit that. He sat down next to Kiri, gently taking his cup of tea and setting it on the nightstand. He then guided Kirishima to lie down, pulling the blanket up over him. He stood to leave when he felt Kirishima tug at his hand a bit.

Todoroki looked at him. Cuddling Kirishima sounded really nice, but would it be awkward when they woke up? Todoroki decided to make the impulsive decision to lie down next to him, pulling Kirishima so his head lay on Todoroki's chest. Todoroki ran his fingers through Kirishima's hair, following him into sleep.


"You don't have to tell me if you don't want to. But I'm here if you need me."

Kirishima looked at Todoroki. "I like someone."

Todoroki froze, his heart plummeting. "Oh."

"I want to tell them, but I don't think they like me back."

Todoroki took a breath, trying not to look like he was about to cry. "You never know until you say something."

"But what if I lose them?" Kirishima asked softly.

"If your friendship is that close, then I doubt you could ever lose them."

Kirishima looked down. "But we just became friends. I don't want to scare them away." He looked like he was about to cry.

Todoroki put his hand on Kirishima's cheek, brushing away a tear. "Kiri," Kirishima looked up at him, "I doubt you could ever scare someone away. You're too pure for that."

Kirishima laughed.

Todoroki smiled at him. "So, may I ask who it is?"

Kirishima bit his lip. "y-"

"...what? I couldn't hear you."

Kirishima took a breath. "You. I like you."

Todoroki froze, his face heating up. A flame came to life on his shoulder. Kirishima hardened and patted it out quickly.


"Oh..." Todoroki felt like he was melting. "Oh. OH. O-H. Yes."

Kirishima just looked at him. "Yes what? Why were you on fire?"

"I like you too..."

Kirishima's eyes widened. "Oh."

Todoroki smiled. Kirishima's heart beat faster upon seeing it. He'd never seen Todoroki smile so big before.



"Do you want to go on a date with me?"

Kirishima blushed. "I'd love to." 

Kirishima sets the Wonder Duo in MotionWhere stories live. Discover now