Elsa with Shitty Hair

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Bakugou and Midoriya were still trying not to snicker as the movie ended. Todoroki looked less like he was about to burst into flames, but both he and Kirishima looked as though they were about to die of gay panic.

Bakugou turned to Midoriya. "I wonder if this is the IcyHot's the guy Shitty Hair's been crushing on."

"Probably. But something tells me this wasn't an actual date. I feel like Todoroki would have told me if he asked out Kirishima."

Bakugou grinned. "Then maybe it's about time they got their asses in gear."


Bakugou pulled out his phone.

To Shark Teeth:

You ask out Elsa yet

To Bestbro:

Whatre you talking about?

To Shark Teeth:

You cuddling Elsa at the movie theater. Get your balls in gear and ask him out.

Bakugou stuck his phone back in his pocket. "Let's see if that does it."

Kirishima was staring at his phone. How did Bakugou know he was at the theater with Todoroki? Or that they were cuddling? Wait Did Bakugou just ask if he'd asked Todo out yet?! Kirishima's face burned. He didn't think his crush was that obvious. He glanced at Todoroki, who was currently frowning at his own phone. Could Todoroki like him too? Somehow he doubted it.

Todoroki looked over at him and smiled. Kirishima smiled back, his heart flipping. Would it be worth it to risk all this—Todoroki's friendship, his smiles—for a relationship? Kirishima used to think he knew the answer, but right now, he wasn't so sure.

Todoroki looked at his phone in frustration. Why was Midoriya at the theater?

To All Might's Child:

You were at the theater? I didn't see you.

To Katy Perry ❄️🔥:


To All Might's Child:

That's it? No comments on the fact I was there with Kirishima?

To Katy Perry ❄️🔥:

You can date whoever you want. It's not like I'm straight either.

What? Todoroki blinked.

To All Might's Child:

Who said I was gay?

To Katy Perry ❄️🔥:

The fact that I could almost see steam coming off you while you were cuddling Kirishima. Gay, bi, pan, omni, I don't care, you seem happy with him.

To All Might's Child:


Todoroki peeked at Kirishima. There was no way he liked him. Kiri was bright, he was not. Kirishima looked at him and Todoroki smiled at him. Kirishima was just too precious, too amazing to ever like him... right?

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